Essay Example on Instructional Hierarchy Through my extensive Research









Instructional Hierarchy Through my extensive research from the course materials outside sources and my own teaching experiences I discovered the four tiers of the instructional hierarchy for reading progression I have been fortunate enough to have work closely with these four tiers throughout my twelve year teaching career in the fourth grade classroom The four tiers are as follows generalization fluency acquisition and adaptation During acquisition phase I have worked with students who have begun to learn how finish the target but it is not yet fluent The ultimate goal in this phase is to improve and increase fluency and accuracy Phonological awareness is the intervention I have used in this tier and found it to be successful I've used this to assist students in forming the background and foundation for phonemic awareness This awareness is essential to understanding the alphabetic rule that letters mean the sounds of all words Using these metalinguistic skills the child is instructed in phonics and then learns to decode words correctly 

Especially as I work with many of the Hispanic speaking students who are English as a Second Language ESL it is essential to master the phonics in this intervention After this intervention the student can apply the skill accurately with little or no support Pinto Bigozzi Vezzani Tarchi 2016 The second tier in this series is fluency Here the student is able to successfully finish the target skills accurately but works slowly My goal of this tier is to increase speed of responding Close reading is the intervention I ve used with success Once or twice every few sentences I omit an important vocabulary or content word and the students job is to read it aloud as a class This helps greatly with vocabulary skills and word recognition Close reading provides the opportunity to work with the text and keep students actively engaged Unfortunately the lower level readers are sometimes unable to keep up or to read every omitted word correctly and this supplies me with strengths and weaknesses regarding their skills Kuhn Schwanenflugel Morris Morrow Woo Meisinger Stahl 2006 The third tier is generalization in this series In this tier the student will be correct and fluent by using the skill in different situations My goal of this tier is to get the student to use the skill in the widest and most diversified possible range of opportunities I use Reciprocal Teaching for this tier which is an instructional approach meant to increase student comprehension of text I find it so beneficial because students engage in group discussion using four strategies summarizing questioning clarifying and predicting The summarizer clearly highlights the key ideas 

The questioner asks questions based on uncertainties within the text The clarifier focuses on confusing aspects of the texts and looks to answer specific questions The predictor will make educated guesses on what the upcoming text is about based on the information presented The group work dynamic is also a huge motivator for the students Taher n d The last tier is adaptation In this tier the student is accurate and fluent in using the skills They also use it in complex situations The student however is not yet able to modify or adapt the skill to fit more complex situations which is essential The goal in this tier is for the student to work with learned skills and adapt them to the new situation This is by far the most challenging skill for the students to attain and us to teach I use a computer program called Achieve3000 for this intervention I like the technology correlation and have used it often in the past however I feel like I can improve upon it It offers many advantages such as preparing for the rigor of new high stakes assessments and building a cross curricular path to college and career readiness but I believe we can provide the students with a better intervention in this tier Stevens Walker Vaughn 2016 Adaption is by far the hardest skill for students with disabilities

We have programmed our students for states tests in my opinion but not made them active readers more like robots who don't question think or predict I find that if I allow my students to generate questions before during and after the text then they develop more engaged reading skills By generating questions students become aware of the whether they can answer the questions and if they understand what they are reading Students need to learn to ask themselves deep questions that require them to combine information from different areas Stevens Walker Vaughn 2016 One more evidence based literacy intervention or instructional strategy I would implement to support the students is Metacognition It is basically thinking about thinking Good readers use these strategies to take control of their reading For example my students have clarified their purpose for reading and preview the text before starting the book monitor their understanding adjust their reading speed and change any comprehension problems they have and then check their understanding of what they read Quinn Kim 2017 I have implemented this into my daily reading curriculum and have found amazing results

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