Essay Example on Internship is and has always been a great learning Platform








Internship is and has always been a great learning platform one can make mistakes and learn for those mistakes I believe it is a point from where we can start our career This internship has been a prospect for me to test drive a career that I am interested in I have always been enthusiastic to work in the Developmental sector and contribute towards the development of the society This internship helps me to understand and access what it would really be like to work in the developmental sector of Nepal and whether I am a great fir or not given my qualification skills and experience This internship has been a life changing and inspiring experience for me as I get to meet with several local entrepreneurs of Dolakha who are involved in variety of business activities ranging from cultivation of herbs Chiraito Bojho Animal husbandry Pig Goat and Chauri Agriculture Kiwi Mushroom and Vegetables to manufacturing Nepali hand paper and Yak cheese Being born and raised in the south central part of Nepal Chitwan in the upper middle class family I have never been exposed to the rural areas of Nepal and for me the perception of Nepal revolves around my locality and city areas as I have seen and lived the vibrant city life and this internship has provided me to learn about my country its people culture most importantly I get to learn about the society its functioning and how the people of these areas are struggling in their life as I get the first hand experience of the rural life and get to live their life even for short duration i e 90 days I was very much inspired by the peoples their stories their cultures and most importantly their continuous struggle and hardship due to the lack of basic infrastructures and facilities instigates the feeling to do something for the country and for these peoples

What I like most about then was even though the hardships and difficult circumstances in their lives the buds of aspiration and hopes were shining in their face and their hospitality never lets me to miss my home for me it was like home away from home 

The most valuable learnings for me from this internship was the life stories experience and entrepreneurial journey of the project proponents How and what instigate them to enter into the business their struggle and hardships during their entrepreneurial journey Furthermore I get an opportunity to closely observe monitor and evaluate several business and entrepreneurial ventures learn their business model and revenue models In addition I also gain insights on some of the technical aspects the agriculture and animal husbandry my exposure to the field had helped me to gain insights on Kiwi farming Charui rearing pig farming goat farming and get to know the medicinal benefits of Chiraito etc and I believe this arsenal of knowledge will be useful in my future endeavors Similarly this internship has been a platform for me to learn new skills and improve existing one By talking with the local peoples entrepreneurs and project proponents I get to know them their story and connect to them which is helping me build a rapport with them A sense of belongingness and similarly among these is helping me to enhance and improve my interpersonal skills In addition being in constant touch with different peoples from different culture and customs helps to develop me as the team player and advance my ability to work in diversity and makes me an effective team player which is crucial competency and will be used throughout my professional and personal life 

Furthermore I believe that with the constant interaction with the peoples their difficulties and encounter with their emotions help me to improve my understanding on emotions and how to deal with them which is directly accelerating my emotional intelligence skills Similarly being a business management student I value personal relation networks and connection This internship has exposed me to the wide diaspora of people from different background skills and experience enhancing my business network Similarly Internship provided me the platform and opportunity to implement my skills and knowledge acquired from college and class room into practice From this internship I become aware that I possess the ability to recollect my scholarly knowledge put it into practical applications and make decisions independently I was able to achieve my objective with the help of resources available support and motivation from the supervisor and other members of the HIMALI project I believe that I succeeded in completing each task assigned to me properly learnt real work professionalism in this organization and developed my communication skills My supervisor has been incredibly understanding helpful and reliable I learned so much from his positivity and hard work He had been a motivator and role model for me throughout my internship period

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