Essay Example on John D Rockefeller was born on July 8th 1839 in Richford New York









John D Rockefeller was born on July 8th 1839 in Richford New York He died on May 23rd 1937 in Ormond Beach Florida Rockefeller married Laura Spelman with whom he had his two sons Nelson and John Jr Also he took a singular college course in business before dropping out which he did in high school at Folsom Mercantile College The first enterprise Rockefeller started focused on hay grains meats and other goods and was founded in 1853 He founded the Standard Oil Company in 1863 which grew exponentially Rockefeller was incredibly competitive and actively worked towards running competing companies out of business Rockefeller owned iron mines and timberland and invested in numerous companies in manufacturing transportation and other industries Although he was the of president of Standard Oil until 1911 Rockefeller retired from leadership of the company in 1896 In 1911 the U S Supreme Court found the Standard Oil trust to be in violation of the antitrust laws and ordered the dissolution of the New Jersey corporation During the 1850s he made regular donations to the Baptist church and by the time he was 21 he was giving to other charities as well as to a foreign Sunday school and an African American church 

Support of religious institutions and African American education remained among his highest priorities throughout his life Rockefeller helped finance the University of Chicago Rockefeller offered to give 600 000 of the first 1 million to start it up provided the remaining 400 000 was given by others within 90 days In 1901 he founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research for the purpose of discovering the causes prevention and cure of diseases From it have come cures for diseases and new knowledge and scientific techniques which have helped to revolutionize medicine In 1902 Rockefeller established the General Education Board for the promotion of education within the United States of America without the distinction of race sex or creed In its active years between 1902 and 1965 the GEB gave 325 million for the improvement of education at all levels with emphasis on higher education especially medical schools In 1909 Rockefeller the creation of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease came about Its purpose was to bring about a cooperative movement of the medical profession public health officials boards of trade churches schools the press and other agencies for the cure and prevention of hookworm disease which was especially devastating in the South In 1913 Rockefeller established the Rockefeller Foundation to promote the well being of mankind throughout the world In reference to this the 

Foundation through the years has given important help to public health medical education increasing food production scientific advancement social research the arts and other fields Rockefeller was very influenced by his religion especially when it came to giving to charity He was a devout Baptist and his loyalty to his religion drove the path for his decisions and thereby his success At the age of 16 John D Rockefeller landed his first job as an assistant bookkeeper with Hewitt Tuttle commission merchants and produce shippers He impressed his employers with his skill at calculating transportation costs This first job showed his potential as a businessman and encouraged him to take it further In 1859 at the age of 20 he ventured into private business with a partner Maurice B Clark and together they raised 4 000 in capital The business flourished steadily and by the end of the first year it had grossed 450 000 A gifted entrepreneur he soon sensed a business opportunity in commercial oil In 1863 the partners invested in an oil refinery near Cleveland Ohio directly owned by Andrews Clark Company composed of Clark Rockefeller chemist Samuel Andrews and Clark s two brothers Within two years it became the largest refinery in the area In 1866 his brother William Rockefeller Jr built another refinery in Cleveland making him a partner In 1867 Henry M Flagler joined as a partner and the firm of Rockefeller Andrews Flagler was established Rockefeller s partners in his business influenced him greatly throughout his life

The Gilded Age was a time of social reform from small businesses to large scale corporations For many this period in time seemed shiny from the outside however is was corrupt beneath the surface Rockefeller started a small business used his partners to expand it then bought their shares out from under them However he also donated millions to charity making him a perfect representation of the Gilded Age Rockefeller achieved success through intelligent business tactics however because of those tactics others fell through the cracks The Gilded Age is perfectly represented by John D Rockefeller due to his business successes and methods Rockefeller is commonly referred to as the richest man in American history Due to his founding of the Standard Oil Company he revolutionized oil sales worldwide and changed the way America would function forever Also Rockefeller changed the face of business through his tactics and economic prowess Also by combining multiple different businesses under one corporation he redefined what it meant to be a businessman during the Gilded Age Without John D Rockefeller what is known today as business and corporation would not exist The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica John D Rockefeller Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica inc 2 May 2017 www britannica com biography John D Rockefeller Rockefeller Archive Center JDR Sr Biographical Sketch The Rockefeller Archive Center Feb 1963 www rockarch org bio jdrsr php Who is John D Rockefeller Everything You Need to Know Facts Childhood Family Life Achievements of Oil Tycoon www thefamouspeople com profiles john d rockefeller 172 php Digital History www digitalhistory uh edu era cfm eraid 9

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