339Fully aware of the fact that labour rights are one of the most crucial issues around the globe Industrial Revolution damaged the labour market and also the labour rights The right definition of the labour according to the International Labour Organization ILO is Productive activity especially for the interest of economy According to the ILO s statistics department the rights of the labours are being impaired throughout the years The damage of the labour rights margins to some situations structural unemployment cyclical unemployment forced labour and also child labour Another aspect of the issue is to have a full and productive employment Full and productive employment is really hard and challenging for companies to obtain Since the labour rights are in danger full and productive employment cannot occur This situation is not just for developing countries it is also for developed countries The rate of illegal employment and illegal labour markets are so high that most country can t even track these working places There are some laws for illegal employment and also for illegal labour markets unfortunately these laws are not enough for stopping these illegal organizations With the damage of the labour rights countries can face a situation called child labour
In 12 June 2017 children in areas affected by rivalry and holocausts are among the most susceptible the United Nations International Labour Organization in warning on the
World Day Against Child Labour making a strong call for an end to the scourge especially as children trapped in crisis risk falling prey to trafficking or being forced into hazardous work All children have the right to be protected from child labour said ILO director general Guy Ryder in the World Day United Nations Sustainable Development Goals also have the goal number 8 which is Decent Work and Economic Growth This goal number 8 has an under topic for full and productive employment Also ILO s 2030 agenda is trying to protect the labour rights and also they are trying to have the most efficient employment for every member state Thus UN and its sub bodies and also related organizations are trying to come up with solution proposals by cooperating with all the respective member states Morocco cooperated with ILO for the labour rights in order to solve the conflict that we are facing Like every other respective member state we have issues with our labour rights and productive employment Morocco s new law regulating work for domestic workers could help protect thousands of women and girls from delinquency and abuse The new law was adopted by the House of Representatives on July 26 2016 and will go into effect one year On July 26 2017 the Moroccan parliament passed a law that regulates domestic work in Morocco The new law which will enter into force one year after its publication requires proper labour contracts for private sector workers limits their daily working hours guarantees days off and paid vacations and sets a minimum wage
The law also furnishes financial forfeiture for employers who violate these provisions and even prison sentences for repeat offenders Thus Morocco established some new laws for today s conditions in order to solve this crucial issue As the delegation of Morocco we have very solid solution proposals fort he issue Firstly we will encourage all the respective member states to cooperate with the ILO for arranging laws for labour since not all respective member state has a strong relationship between the International Labour Organization Secondly we will gather with UN and set some decent laws for each respective member state for their labour market industry There are some existing ones but there should be new laws in today's conditions Thirdly the other aspect of the issue is the lack of education Many people do not know how harmful and illegal to work in a hazardous environment Sessions will be held with the cooperation of UN Lastly the cases of people s labour rights should be discussed on the United Nations Human Rights Council UNHRC and in European Court of Human Rights Nevertheless Morocco will come up with solution proposals in order to keep the peace and security safe