Essay Example on Learn Purpose of the service Blackboard Learn









Noreen Afshan Algonquin College Blackboard Learn Purpose of the service Blackboard Learn is an effective platform for both faculty and students It sends announcements for a variety of events via email daily digest and or the Blackboard Student App Announcements may be set for all courses at once or individually Blackboard learn provides faculty to student communication course content delivery assignments and testing organizational tools and calendars options for online collaboration and discussion along with a grade center for calculating and pursuing student grades Blackboard Learn has the potential to make education further effective in and beyond the outdated classroom with its several options for collaborative social and web-based teaching and learning in face to face hybrid and online courses The Blackboard login page can be accessed via Algonquin college home page Users Blackboard Learn is designed to support the educational needs of students faculty and institution Service Provider Several educational institutions provide the service Expectation Algonquin College Blackboard Learn standards expectations is to assist the teaching and learning process and regarding student feedback about the importance of their learning of planned reliable and timely course-related information being accessible on Blackboard Learn Activities 

All learning activities will be made available through Blackboard Learn to all students such as class schedules course outlines and progress reports The following activities are included Announcement Announcements are brief messages like a weekly activity reminders for quizzes and other upcoming activities and alerts and notices Announcements can also be sent to the students email to ensure that students receive the information even if they do not log in to the course My Grades This page organizes the status of students grades such as tests assignments journal and discussion posts My Grades include due dates student and instructor dates of activity posted grades points possible links to rubrics used for grading and your instructor s comments Email The email tool allows faculty and student to send email to Blackboard Learn mailbox without launching an external email package Emails can be sent to individual users or to groups of users Upcoming View important reminders events to help student plan that will happen in the next seven days Discussion Board Create and manage forums within the discussion board to develop student's engagement and group collaboration Calendar With the use of the calendar Instructors provide students with dates for course related events It also includes instructor office hours exams and course items with due dates Courses due dates automatically appear in the course calendar Works well An online forum accessible 24 7 Facilitate communication with students through announcements and other tools

Online organize course materials are easily posted and accessible for students Send email is simple and does the job Grade center is functional and useful Does not work well It takes forever to refresh When writing the texts in the text editor sometimes the first letter is automatically nudged over with a random space thereby formatting messed up It crashes most of the time i e not able to view grades notes and assignments Sometimes it is harder for Professors to mark assignments as they are unable to access Blackboard Learn There's no method for backing up individual assessments Blackboard Learn software is its age and relatively outdated platform Since the platform has been around for many years their technology now lags Recommended improvements I would extremely recommend that management should make sure that all lecturers are trained for blackboard learn There is also a requirement for faculty and school to have their own blackboard learn course for staff to get a quick assistant when they are in need Blackboard Learn users require access the dedicated help site for answers to troubleshooting and other commonly asked questions I would also recommend that the IT service makes available numerous workstations where the end user can get assistance instantaneously Blackboard

 Learn need to make some arrangements to install new updated software without any delay in lecturer s schedule Cost sheet RESOURCES COST Faculty Training 125 000 Backup Recovery 650 000 Staffs 125 000 Equipment s 2 500 000 Maintenance 700 000 Total 4 100 000 Implementation improvements plan This section of the implementation plan describes the support of hardware-software data center and workstation required for the implementation as well as necessary personnel and training requirements outstanding issues and implementation impacts to the current environment Training of Faculty To support the implementation of the Blackboard Standards Algonquin College needs to provide faculty members training and resources for using the Blackboard Learn

This will guide faculty to the many Blackboard features that will be anticipated in every course and provides instructions on using the features Backup Recovery Initiate a daily backup to a set of daily weekly and monthly tapes of all the required data including system state information using the college backup software Test the backup by recovering various directories from the backup tapes Staffing Requirements To provide better service need to hire more IT specialists to the current staff Equipment s Requirement New servers and workstations need to purchase that would be compatible and can hold a large load from the data center Installing Maintenance Arrangement To install new equipment s such as workstations and an updated software IT team would have to announce to the faculty and students that Blackboard Learn will not be accessible for a certain time Entirely prearranged updates would have to be completed at no peak hours which are holidays and spring term Overnight IT team can install new equipment s and restore backups before the morning

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