328To become more likable it requires you to be friendly relevant empathetic and authentic According to a USA Today article being disliked can undermine the effectiveness of colleagues working together and alienate customers Managers would rather work with someone less skilled and likeable than someone who is competent but alienates their co workers As a result some companies have placed less focus on competencies and more on determining the likeability of their employees The idea is that if someone is lacking a specific skill set they can always receive training but the ability to be well liked is not a talent that can be taught Employers find that having a likeable employee is critical in the workplace Likeable employees are favoured by coworkers No one wants to work with someone who is disliked no matter how qualified they are How likeable an employee is can also impact customers customers perceptions of the employees they encounter can affect their overall opinion towards a business Likeability can not only help with getting along with coworkers it can also help in career advancements employees who have relationship building skills are often viewed as a valuable asset to a company according to Sanders Likeability and positive demeanor can create a collaborative environment in the workplace Coworkers who work with a likeable colleague are more comfortable resulting for work to be more collaborative
There are seven components of likeability The first is having a positive mental attitude likeable people exude a positive mental attitude That does not mean they are always giddy or act silly it means they do not ignore the hardships or failures but consciously reframe those difficulties and negative emotions to more healthy and positive ones Being positive means that you can find a better direction out of a problem rather than dwelling in the problem or negative emotion itself Second is being non judgemental individuals who are non judgemental recognize that everyone is trying their best and they treat others with mutual respect and understanding Third is openness individuals who are open minded are open to new things whether it is meeting new people doing new things or accepting new ideas They demonstrate openness in their behaviour which translates to their tone and their body language Fourth component is security likeable individuals are comfortable in their own skin they do not feel the need to talk over or correct others they do not brag or incessantly talk behind others The fifth component is vulnerability it is one of the most likeable characteristics Individuals who are able to admit their faults or show compassion are more likeable Sixth includes being able to get outside of the Self being empathetic towards others show relevance in their lives as you learn about their interests wants and needs The last component is alikeness individuals like others who like them and vice versa As humans we constantly seek points of similarity in others in terms of interests values and beliefs and experiences Likeability and positive demeanor is an important attribute to have Having a pleasant personality is key in business and in life Likeability is not hereditary nor is it luck it is simply a skill set