Essay Example on Like other parts of Africa Mali has been a colony of France








Like other parts of Africa Mali has been a colony of France in 1960 the country declared itself independent and appointed a dictator a few years later named Moussa Traoré The country operated as a dictatorship for about twenty years but then the demand for a multi party system began to emerge and Traoré was allowed to resign during a 1991 military revolution During the following year the first people elected president of Mali ruled the country The concept of independence is new for Mali and the people of the country they want more changes a divided population that starts what is coming to be the historical beginning of the conflict that took place in 2012 One unit of Mails population called them self s for Tuareg and they lived mostly in Azawad northern Mali The Tuaregs are a nomadic people that what to settle down and therefore fought for self governing and to become their own country Kone 2017 The governance of Mali did not approve and conflicts grew out from dissatisfaction between the two parties The years went by and the conflict continued Amadou Toumani Touré became president and had to lead the country through a time of revolt in 2007 also caused by Tuareg This time they wanted to take part in the economic development that was ongoing in

Mali The nomads felt omitted and marginalized by the government the two parties agreed and ended the revolt in a peace agreement in 2009 Instinct tells us that Mali not would have been in this mess if the economic gap in the country were smaller which is a great deal but above all it is about wealth honor rights and religion The government in Mali is not afraid of using violence for what they think is right while extremist groups develop in the country to fight hard against hard The MNLA National Movement for Liberation of Azawad Rebellion Group consists mostly of Tuareg It is an organization of people that have a political dispute against Mali's government with the historic goal of gaining Azawad as an independent regime

Globalis 2013 The present is approaching in 2012 MNLA went to combat against the government army together with other Islamic phalanges This by attacking two military bases in the city of Méneka The rebel groups had grown stronger than the government had expected and now had access to weapons and higher management skills in terms of experience from the fighting that took place in Libya Allied with MNLA in the fight we find groups like e g Ansar Dinem who wants to spread sharia law throughout the country as well as the rebel group Al Quaida which enters a number of countries in the world with what they call training in weapons and combat techniques to gain their Islamic values During this time as the rebel groups conquered ground the civilians were hit by the destruction caused by the struggle and social divisions that shared Tuareg from the rest even though they did not participate or sympathize with the rebels Many civilians fled to neighboring countries such as Mauritania Globalis 2013 The turbulence in the country led to an internal coup within the government and army where the senior military officers considered that the handling of the battles against the rebel groups was neglected

Former officers Amadou Sangogo had to take over the post as leader of Mali and its military but despite praise and promises did he not succeed with his tactics and the rebel groups defeated forces relatively easily MNLA continued its progress and took control of among others Kidal Timbuktu and Gao and managed to get Azawad into an independent state Soon after this Sangogo chose to resign and hand over the board to Dioncounda Traoré The success of the rebel groups created conflicts within their alliance even this time it is about Azawad and how it should be governed Kone 2017 MNLA aimed to become independent while other rebel groups wanted to go further they felt strongly that the culture should follow Sharia MNLA lost control of the alliance conquests to other rebel groups while these groups continued their conquests from north to south Traouré saw how Mali was conquered and he sought help from France to reclaim his country The rescues where answered and France went in and helped whit air attacks and soldiers on land among other things It resulted in restored control over large parts of the lost ground and the government were able to control the conflict with the rebel groups and narrow it down to limited places in the country Rebellion groups began to take drastic measures e g suicide bombings that hit civilians and take hostages But for Mali over all it is now in 2013 that one can see a tendency to a more peaceful future Kone 2017

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