Essay Example on List of countries under the regions Covered









List of countries under the regions covered 1 Sub Saharan African countries Liberia Mauritius Mozambique Nigeria South Africa Sudan Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe 2 South Asian countries Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Sri Lanka 3 North American and European countries Mexico Jamaica United States of America USA Bahamas France Germany Greece United Kingdom Ireland Objectives of research 1 To investigate and present how minimum proficiency levels MPLs among children are essential for their access to quality education 2 To propose the critical need to improve the quality of education Research Methodology Secondary Data Various international journals fact sheets government websites not for profit organizational resources books and magazines have been referred for collection and analysis of secondary data Data Analysis and Interpretation Source UNESCO Institute for Statistics Interpretation Sub Saharan Africa is the region with the lowest rate of MPLs for adolescents 89 followed by Southern Asia 80 Across the region 81 of children and adolescents 241 million will not meet minimum proficiency levels in reading by the time they are of age to complete primary and lower secondary education 

These 241 million include 152 million children of primary school age and almost 89 million adolescents of lower secondary school age Eight out of ten adolescents not learning live in Sub Saharan Africa 63 million and Southern Asia 89 million This crisis will affect about 138 million of primary school age and 63 million of lower secondary school age totaling to 202 children and adolescents Across the Sub Saharan African region girls of primary school age face the greatest disadvantage with more than 70 million girls or 90 will not meet minimum proficiency levels in reading by the time they are of age to complete primary education This is the case for 85 of boys Chart 1 2 Global number of children and adolescents who do not achieve MLPs in reading by age group and sex Source UNESCO Institute for Statistics Interpretation Primary age school girls demonstrate an MPL of 98 which is highest in the world followed by lower secondary school aged boys at 95 The proportion of children achieving the highest MPL in reading is in North America and Europe which include developed countries of the world The proportion of children and adolescents not achieving MPLs is highest in Central and South Asian countries 247 million in comparison with North American and European countries where only 27 million are yet to receive MPLs in reading In comparison with boys girls show a greater inclination towards education and have achieved higher MPL than boys in every region that been considered in this research

There is a noticeable disparity demonstrated in South and Central Asian countries between Primary school boys and Primary school girls achieving MPLs the difference is approximately 10 12 Source UNESCO Institute for Statistics Source UNESCO UIS Interpretation The global figures do not reveal the large regional differences In contrast to the regional distribution of the number of children and adolescents not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading figures 3 A and 3 B present the regional distribution of the primary and lower secondary school age population It provides a first hand look at the scale of the challenges facing certain regions For example one out of five 29 children and adolescents of primary and lower secondary school age live in Central and South Asia yet the region is home to one out of three 39 of all children and adolescents unable to read proficiently A similar situation is found in Sub Saharan Africa Source World Development Indicators The World Bank Interpretation Two thirds 68 of these children or 262 million out of 387 million are in school and will reach the last grade of primary but will not achieve minimum proficiency levels in reading These findings show the extent to which education systems around the world are failing to provide a quality education and decent classroom conditions in which children can learn Another 78 million 20 are in school but are not expected to reach the last grade of primary

 Unfortunately 60 of the dropout happens in the first three grades of the school cycle leaving many children without basic skills It is not surprising to find that 40 million children 10 of the total unable to read proficiently have either left school and will not re enroll or have never been in school and will probably never start If current trends continue they will remain permanently excluded from education Source World Development Indicators The World Bank Interpretation 230 million adolescents will not achieve MPLs in reading by the time they should be completing lower secondary education About 60 or 137 million are in school The remaining 93 million are will drop out before completing this level of education or are never likely to attend school Table 1 6 Country specific data Country Out of school children Children not achieving MPLs in reading North America and Europe 8 4 Eastern and South Eastern Asia 29 5 4 7 World 57 10 Southern Asia 81 12 Sub Saharan Africa 87 21 Source World Development indicators the World Bank Interpretation There is a positive correlation proven between percentage of Out of school children and Children not achieving MPLs in reading For eg in the Sub Saharan Africa where the number of Out of school children 21 the number of children not achieving MPL in reading 87 Globally for 10 of out of school children 57 fail to achieve MPLs in reading Limitations Due to different data sources the number may not capture the actual number of children not achieving MLPs in reading and learning

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