290Looking at the Glossary medium refers to the material an artist uses to create their work When Animal Facing Left was created the artist might have asked him or herself what was to be the subject of his or her art and how shall he or she represent it a Animal Facing Left was found in the Apollo 11 Cave in Namibia b The artwork was created in approximately 23 000 B C E c The artwork was created using charcoal and is 4 1 4 5 in size d Animal Facing Left currently dwells in the State Museum of Namibia Windhoek The editor of the textbook believes the artwork to represent an animal whose key features such as its head tail legs and body remain distinctively clear to the viewer Introduction Insight into the history of art can only be accomplished through studying the history of mankind History can show the circumstances behind an artwork s creation and allow us the possibility to understand why a piece was made and what went into making that piece Both pieces of artwork on page 17 took skill No matter how simple a piece of art might seem it takes skill to be able to create something that is learned and perfected through practice and technique a When identifying the age of an art piece there are four ways one can search for evidence of its date
These methods include examining physical evidence documentary evidence internal evidence and stylistic evidence b During the career of an artist it is always possible for him or her to experience dramatic changes in style Many artists for example have gone through such major style changes throughout their life that their work is later placed into distinctive style periods c In numerous cases a piece of art was created due to a paid commission by someone known as a patron Patrons will pay artists for their work and can often play a significant role in what the artist produces Art Words A line can be described as the path a point makes through space a There are only three colors which are considered primary colors and those are red blue and yellow They are considered primary because they cannot be created via mixing other colors together b Secondary colors result from the mixing of primary colors Orange purple and green are examples of secondary colors c Tertiary colors are created whenever primary colors and secondary colors are mixed d A group of three colors all located next to each other on a color wheel are known as analogous colors Blue blue violet and violet are examples of analogous colors e Whenever two colors are located directly across from each other on the color wheel those two colors are known as complementary colors Blue green and red orange are examples of complementary colors for they are on opposite sides of the color wheel and they both absorb the colors one another reflects An example of two complementary colors are red and green a In The Night Café Vincent Van Gogh used the complementary colors of red and green and in The Starry Night he used blue and yellow b When creating a linear perspective vanishing points draw the viewer's attention to the point by which the lines intersect formal Hierarchy of scale occurs whenever an artist deliberately creates abnormal proportions to emphasize importance Carving is an example of a subtractive process model armature In bronze casting other than bronze three media used are wood wax and ceramic material Free standing sculptures are sculptures that stand independently