286Accounting Practice Prior to the matching concept of accounting for Processes 1812 1920 Focus on the effectiveness of operational costs and processes 1920 1950 The relevant concept has been developed on cost accounting Focus on costs and financial control From 1951 to 1980 Focus was moved to provide management planning and control Managerial Accounting In the 1980s Focus moved to Waste Management JTT Teamwork ABC Targeted Pricing Quality Investment and Product Cycle Management In the 1990s Focus has moved to building customer value strategy balanced evaluation cards EVA and other values based on values When considering the development of management reporting practices before 1812 1920 Procedural Accounting Concept Focus on the efficiency of operational costs and processes 1920 1950 The corresponding concept has been developed on the cost accounting Focus on costs and financial control From 1951 to 1980 Focus was moved to provide management planning and control information In the 1980s Focus moved to Waste Management JTT Teamwork ABC Targeted Pricing Quality Investment and Product Cycle Management In the 1990s Focus moved the customer s value strategy balanced ratings EVA and other related concepts cost based management The nature of management accounting has changed over the years Earlier focus was on management planning and control information Now focusing on resource management Now the management account is used to create maintain and maintain the cost of the stakeholders Management accounting field is very broad and covers all areas where management is required Businessmen involved in administrative records have gone a long way in the early days of the 1800 s management calculations Today managers of management institutions play a key role in many organizations There is nothing new in managing the accounting over the past 50 years By the end of the 20th century management styles had changed considerably There are problems such as location or technology speed Decisions were made to be done quickly and effectively as a collaborator Today organizations are against many options and challenges They need management accountants so they can walk and work in the team In the next period there will be some way for management accountants to build and improve their own roles