302Managing IT involves practice policies and strategy that are used to direct selection implementation maintenance of every types of information technology in unfamiliar types of business environment Managing IT is for a business function and an organizational imperative During this assignment we will be looking at why should organizations priorities User Acceptance Testing In the second question of the assignment we will be looking at the who the key personnel and their role in UAT is This will include stakeholders of a business and their role We are required to explaining in detail the three stages in UAT such as planning execution and follow up The User Acceptance Testing is also known as Beta Application or End User Testing this process is the last phase when it comes to testing process A During this process the actual user test the software so they know it can handle the tasks required from a scenario from the real world according to specification This stage is a critical software project procedure that has to happen before newly created software id brought out in the market It is also the usage of software by people who were the target audience then recording and correcting of any flaws that will be discovered With UAT tools you can make sure that you get fast precise results and that it can make a knowledgeable decision about whether the software is ready
The UATs purpose is to evaluate the system to determine if it can support everyday business and user scenarios and make sure that the system is sufficient and correct for a business usage when running the acceptance tests ensures that there are no requirement changes have happened at the time and that everything is as it should be to please the customer The testing process requires that there be a set up with an entry to the test database The real end users of the software are involved in the User Acceptance Testing even stakeholders are included in the testing The User Acceptance Testing is usually the last step before going live and usually done after the system testing So this is the last process of making sure you check for errors or issues before the software is released into the public The QA team usually oversees the UAT these are people who are within the business The UAT has to be done when the product is the following tasks are performed by a tester Creation of UAT plan with such a test plan the strategy is used to verify and make sure that an application meets requirements of a business UAT Design the criteria of gathered acceptance from the users are applied in this step going with the criteria a list of UAT test cases are given to the users UAT Set Execution Confirm Business Objectives met after the User Acceptance Testing the testers need to send sign off mail after the sign off the product will be good to go for production Exit criteria for UAT before production commences they are a few things that are no critical defects open business process works satisfactorily UAT sign off meeting with all stakeholder B
When it comes to the UAT the testers need to have good knowledge of the business they have to be analytical and lateral thinkers and also be able to merge all kinds of data to create a successful UAT That being said the key personnel s in User Acceptance Testing are Stakeholders are involved in the UAT Business analysts are key personnel s involved in the UAT they write the scripts and they proved demons of the new application to the user They go through the test scripts step by step Sometimes they are involved in the writing and executing the UAT tests and also get to present the results to the user to get a sign off C The three major stages in UAT are Planning this procedure is almost the same as the regular test plan for the system stage the goal of this stage is to identify the important elements of the software to be tested It outlines high level testing procedures and shows the tests to be done Execution during this stage the testers have to test and evaluate the application of certain test scenarios Designing the test cases are created to cover all the functional scenarios of real world software usage It is designed using a simple language and manner that will make the test process easier for tester CONCLUSION The Managing IT assignment revealed a lot on why business and organizations need the User Acceptance Testing We see how in an organization the system gives has major benefits and it's the last stage of the implementation process that is done to make sure that the system requirements meet business needs The assignments really got to break down the types of performances done by UAT users It was a bit hard to understand the three stages in UAT as we explained them We got to learn how the stakeholders are one of the key personnel s when it came to the User Acceptance Testing We see how UAT outweigh the investments greatly A client can be sure of what to expect than assuming when using User Acceptance Testing We see in the assignment that the benefit of UAT in an organization or business is that there will be no surprises if a product is released out in the market Doing this assignment showed me how there is so much more to Managing IT than it s made to seem