Essay Example on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein allusions to John Milton's Paradise








Exploring where one does not belong results in unforeseeable catastrophic consequences In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein allusions to John Milton's Paradise Lost and his depiction of creation are evident through the characters of Victor Frankenstein and his Creature as they resemble yet sharply contrast Adam Eve God and Satan The complexity of the character s connections exemplifies how each has their own varied purposes to defining creation and the outcome of a failed experiment Victor and his Creature bring life and death anticipation and lost hope along with isolation Victor Frankenstein sets out to fabricate a being which is superior to all others yet his intentions and follow through are lacking that of a supreme creator His comparison to God is seen easily as he creates life in his

Creature God creates Adam reaching out to help him learn the ways of the world and guide him in his purpose on earth to populate with Eve Victor creates his monster stating that A new species would bless me as its creator Shelley 32 His arrogant and egocentric intentions are far from those of God Although Victor wishes to play God by creating life he fails in almost all aspects of the term He abandons his monster rejecting the much needed connection such that Adam felt with his creator The creature must explore the world on his own leading to feelings of isolation and rage for his unjust creator Due to these distinct contrasts to God a parallel can be drawn to Satan Lucifer is an archangel punished for his vanity arrogance and thirst for forbidden knowledge Satan is held with causing Adam and Eve to sin The infernal Serpent he it was whose guile Stirred up with Envy and Revenge Milton 34 35 Like him Victor attempts to take over God's role as master of the universe pursuing knowledge which he knows could be dangerous with sins of deaths ensuing from it Frankenstein's monster suffers from his decision to disrupt the natural orders of life and creation which eventually backfires to his inevitable destruction as well Frankenstein s monster takes on various forms of characters from 

Paradise Lost who himself feels related to Adam and Eve yet also feels a dark presence of his similarities of Satan Adam and the creature were both the first of their kind to exist but what follows them after is extraordinarily different

Adam is accepted by God given a mate to reproduce with while also put in charge of all other species roaming the earth The monster on the other hand is rejected by not only his creator but also by all who see him due to his physical unattractiveness He must learn about the beauty and perils of the world around him by trial and error without someone to guide him and inform him of his purpose He is attacked and beaten overcome by pain and anguish Shelley 97 while also stripped of all hope he had of mankind seeing him for his interior self Eve has a stunningly opposite experience related to outward appearance She is obsessed with her reflection pined with vain desire Milton 466 contrasting that of the Creature This amplifies his feelings of rejection knowing others possess the physical appearance he wishes to have Adam and Eve can both be seen within the creature primarily in ways which they are unabridged opposites The isolation he is thrusted into without the caring creator they were provided prompts his revenge on Victor Frankenstein created a new being just to betray its trust and doom it to a life of seclusion The Creature s resolution to commit acts of aggression against people around him echoes Satan's Evil be thou my Good Milton 110 Satan attacks God through Adam and Eve jealous of the praise they receive from God and belonging they possess The monster does the same attacking Frankenstein through his family and friends Frankenstein's creature seeks revenge as he felt entitled to a world of belonging just as every other man which

Victor kept him from He is angered by Victor s choice to be alone when offered a loving family and support system his entire life being all the creature ever wanted The creature when granted his revenge as Victor dies he states The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil I am alone Shelley 165 The consequences which arose from trying to change nature impacted Victor and his creation s lives through to the very end They cannot escape the ineluctable grief and sorrows which follow The replication of Satan s story from 

Paradise Lost highlights the internal feud present in the creature due to his original abandonment which never leaves him Victor begins his downfall by attempting to explore a world which he is not familiar with and knows will cause his harm if not done correctly He succeeds in the creation of a being however fails to step up as a leader to guide his creation to prosperity The parallels between the stories of Adam and Eve with the roles of God and Satan in Frankenstein reveals the effects of abandonment on creation Without support and understanding the creature was never going to be able to have his internal self emerge above his external appearance He was defined by his physical hideousness in society therefore he allowed it to consume him convincing himself he was not worthy to that of man because he was the monster everyone has been saying he was Abandonment and isolation is enough to turn any man or creature into their worst nightmare of all consuming grief and disturbances

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