Essay Example on Modern technology various ways of Learning









Ever since the advent of modern technology various ways of learning were changed from conventional to modern This change allows learning efficient and interesting through integrating equipments such as audio visual technology that will enhance and stimulate the eagerness of students to learn According to the study conducted by Eze E U 2013 human being learns more easily and faster through the use of Audio visual processes than through verbal explanations alone To strengthen that idea Swank R C stressed that 40 of human beings concept formation are through visual perception 25 upon auditory 17 on tactile 15 upon miscellaneous organic sensation and 3 upon taste and smell This data shows how do students really need the integration of Audio visual technology Audio visual technology allows ease of use while teaching According to Seaman 1998 the use of Audio visual saves time for teachers The ability of these equipment to save time allows teachers to cover more lessons and use time efficiently However Seaman 1998 also discovered that the time allocated for students to processes information decreases This is because of the need to go through another slide so that the lecture will proceed According to the study conducted by Gopal V P 2010 audio visual material overcomes the physical difficulties of a teacher of presenting the subject matter 

Teachers would now have the capability to show pictures while discussing different concepts in different subject areas such as discussing about climatic conditions of different country Through that the hindrance of distance is broken This is important because according to Dike 1993 once the phenomenon is visualized the picture and the knowledge becomes very clear and permanent However a phenomenological study conducted by Abdelrahaman et al 2013 states that audio visual presentations are interesting at first and boring on the later part because of too wordy slides that lessens the attention of students which makes them tired at the end of the discussion Aside from that these presentations as well decreases the face to face interaction of the students and the teachers In addition to that Voss 2004 stated that students feel ignored whenever the instructor is focusing on the presentation rather establishing a good interaction to his her students This proves that teachers should invest in practicing and improving their way of teaching with the use of these equipment According to Azizinezhad M et al 2011 teachers can also acquire the benefit of editing the presentation very easy with minimal cost of reprinting This capability audio visual technology allow teachers to save many and become cost efficient It allows adding information without ruining the whole presentation Aside from that he also assess that the media used would be very portable with the existence of compact disks CD s with large capacity and USB as well However he also assessed that these materials could also experience equipment failure when the projector used would not work file corruption that is caused by magnetic and physical damage incompatible media when the available software cannot hold the presentation itself and lack of appropriate training and knowledge with the said program 

According to Ranasinghe and Leisher 2009 integrating technology to the classroom begins when a teacher prepare lessons that use technology in a meaningful and relevant ways This simply implies that the success of using audio visual technology is greatly dependent on the ability of the teacher to use it effectively and wisely in the classroom to facilitate learning to their students Another issue that arises in the integration of audio visual technology was its cost It is obvious that the installation of this technology needs a great amount of money Comparing to traditional media installation of audio visual technology is a lot more expensive than the previous one According to an article released by Doizer T of Premier Mounts that price is certainly an important consideration while selecting an audio visual mounting solution but when outfitting an educational facility product quality configuration and value should be the key decision metrics This shows that yet audio visual technology is a bit pricey that should not hinder the chance of the teachers and students to create a conducive environment for learning In addition to that Data Projections released an article on what and how to correctly and efficiently maximize the cost of buying an audio visual technology The AV integrator should send a designer who will devise an organizationally appropriate cost effective solution to current anticipated and ongoing challenges The integrator should offer ongoing service and technical support so users continue to enjoy a smooth seamless experience The company should have plenty of testimonials that demonstrate a commitment to outstanding customer service The vendor should have plenty of proven experience in the field and a history of successful projects to share The AV integrator should offer high quality cutting edge technology and show a capacity for adapting and changing with the times 

By those suggestions educational institutions can now maximize the cost of their purchase of audio visual technology Yet traditional media are at lower prices Rosenthal et al 2003 compared classes using audio visual presentation and classes using the traditional media and found out that there is no statistically significant difference between the two methods according to their academic success In addition to that a study conducted by Susskind 2009 found out that audio visual technology has a positive effect on self efficacy and attitude of students however it had to effect on students academic success Contrary to what is stated above a study conducted by Shubashini V S 2016 found a statistically significant difference between the method in favor of the use of audio visual technology The researcher also suggested that teachers should have the right knowledge in operating and making presentations because this factors greatly affect the learning of the students They also stated that there is a necessity for every educational institution to provide audio visual technology to facilitate learning

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