299Mosaic Covenant God had designed the Mosaic Covenant to lead Israel to a life of practical holiness for them to see the nature of God and His plan for how they should live God revealed the exact function and beauty of his laws to his people at the foot of Mount Sinai The laws were intended to direct the group to meet the needs in a loving responsible manner However most individuals looked at the law the wrong way They looked at it as a way to prosperity They thought that if they obeyed the laws then they would earn God's blessings instead of the means to fulfill God's ultimate law of love Exodus shows that there are three parts to God's law system The first part is the Ten Commandments which contain the absolutes of spiritual and moral life The second part is the civil law that which gives the people rules to manage their lives The third part is the ceremonial law that shows God's people the patterns for building the tabernacle and for regular worship God was reaching out to the Israelites in the importance of their choices and responsibilities
He blessed them when they obeyed the conditions of the law However if they choose to forget or disobey He would punish them or allow calamities to come over them This was part of the written agreement God made with His people There are many countries of the world today which base their laws on the moral system set up in the book of Exodus The Mosaic Covenant is a conditional covenant made between God and the people of Israel God promises are directly related to Israel's obedience to the Mosaic Law if the Israelites obey the laws they will be blessed or punished if they disobey God reminded the people to be obedient to His laws and the people agreed to the covenant when they said We will do everything the Lord has said we will obey Exodus 24 7 The Mosaic Covenant was an equally binding unconditional covenant that God had put in place for God's chosen people of Israel to set them apart from all other nations It shows that God has blessed the world with His written word and the living word Jesus In Deuteronomy God reviewed his laws with the Israelites because He did not want it to be kingdom known for its politicians government and military but its faith righteousness and God The commitment to God and His truth could not be taken for granted This legal contract was between God and His people had to be renewed by the new generation about to enter the Promised Land Each generation and each person must respond afresh to God's call for obedience The Lord your God am a jealous God punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments Deut 5 9 10 The Law led to a long life of blessing for those who were obedient The essence of the Mosaic Law and what it meant to obey God's laws is stated in Deuteronomy 6 5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and will all your soul and with all your strength The Mosaic Law is one of six covenants that God made with Israel
They all have five concepts in common with each other their authority resides in God no covenant nullifies a previous one they came at a time of crisis curses for disobedience and salvation is not obtained by keeping any covenant The covenant was addressed to Israel and only Israel with its Godly authoritative rules that specified standards of righteousness The parts of the covenant are not meant to individuals part but are intended to be one Both stories from Exodus and Deuteronomy are about God and how He is faithful to His promises However one was a holy man Moses that sought to do the will of God in everything he did The other was a young nation Israel who was trying to figure out exactly who they were The Mosaic Law reveals to individuals their sins and their need for a Savior It builds on the idea that obedience to God is necessary for blessings The Mosaic covenant is a work based rather than a grace covenant The work based principle however was limited to the matter of blessing in this life and was not related at all to the question of salvation for eternity However Christ said that He did not come to abolish the covenant but to fulfill it This confuses some individuals because they are not saved by keeping the law in the Old Testament but that salvation is by faith alone