Essay Example on Museums and their architecture play an important Role









Museums and their architecture play an important role in aiding the education of arts and analytical strategies The UAE has recently opened the Louvre Abu Dhabi museum to the public The Louvre acts as the foundation of this evolution It is so far the biggest step the UAE has taken in terms of artistic relevance The UAE is already home to a handful of other cultural museums but this is the first recognized international museum it holds It allows visitors to walk into a building that supports cultural diversity which is one of the forefronts of the UAE The museum architecture allows this atmosphere to communicate that to the visitors in order to deliver exceptional experiential learning Although the Louvre Abu Dhabi is a universal museum it was architected in a way to represent the region it resides in which is the gulf The Louvre Abu Dhabi s dome is a depiction of an oasis that allows the diffusion of light beams to shine through tiny cracks between the fronds of palm trees creating a wonderful scatter of light that fashions the illusion of a night sky filled with bright stars which in return has its own narration Louvre Abu Dhabi was structured in 12 chapters 

The chapters were based on similarities between art installations and sometimes their time period rather than art from the same country or location which helped weave a chronological narrative that explains how similar ideas emerged in different continents or countries before the transfer of knowledge and the influence each country had on one another in each era after the transfer of knowledge Carolina After the birth of this museum in the UAE it was not long until local universities such as Zayed University and Paris Sorbonne University announced new syllabi and degrees in museum and curatorial studies Al Dhaheri Symbolism is a powerful method of creating awareness feelings and analytical thinking in an individual Michelangelo was an artist who was not lacking in the metaphorical field His art held many hidden meanings which consequently allowed the people to be emotionally moved and stirred by awareness of political and humane issues and distresses Although symbolism has been around for centuries it can only prove to make a difference and spark awareness and motivation in individuals if it is used in a specific way Carefully planned symbolism is what sparks true analytical thinking and conversation in a person's head Imagery is best seen through art philosophy and abstract ideas In order for one to gain an analytic perception they must be exposed to art Humans despite whether they long to be leaders or not must be able to think analytically It is a skill everyone should obtain Inside every individual there should be at least a small spark of leadership in order for a society to excel as a whole 

The ability to make and understand metaphorical connections continuously introduces society to new ideas and innovations If symbolic art were rigorously embedded into educational systems in the UAE both the youth and adults will recognize matters they may have been oblivious to It may provoke a longing in people for a change to a better humanity It allows people to create a theory of action and apply it to solve social and political issues Leaders must be philosophically educated through humanities in order to take this step forward This is not something that can be appropriately met through solving a math problem in a lab or through technology In the UAE many may argue that arts and humanities are of less significance in comparison to STEM subjects It is common for Emirati parents to urge their children to become engineers doctors and lawyers and frown down upon their children who take an arts and humanities path Although youth described themselves as agents of their development adults played important roles in supporting their experience of a cycle of experiential learning Larson Adults impact a children's educational life more than many people would imagine They believe that these degrees will not provide enough money to comfortably support a household and that arts and humanities does not teach us anything useful However what they do not understand is what arts and humanities really is They do not understand that arts and humanities is the foundation that society is built on If everyone where to go into medicine and engineering who would be left to become politicians humanitarians artists and leaders

A country will not be able to live only of STEM education If students are not introduced to arts and humanities with equal significance as STEM subjects at an early age they will see STEM jobs as their only or primary option There are not enough Emirati children in kindergarten claiming that they want to be politicians or artists but rather ones that want to be doctors and policemen UAE s identity revolves around heritage and culture The UAE longs to bridge the past with the future with rigorous incorporation of arts and humanities in education at a young age educating the rising generation with the ability think critically and creatively in order to move the UAE towards innovation Arts and humanities could potentially be the needed component to nurture the country into a unique cultural hub and create leaders In order for the UAE to achieve this target arts and humanities must be incorporated into STEM and thus changing the abbreviation to STEAM Science Technology Engineering Arts and Mathematics This change in educational systems will allow the youth to grow into leaders in the hands of analytical and critical thinking skills and metaphorical connections A change will be seen when parents begin to encourage their children to enroll in liberal arts pursue careers in that path rather than shame them for doing so

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