Essay Example on My boss Bina Fronda wasted no Time









My boss Bina Fronda wasted no time I need you to write a press release for Bearson Sofi Tucker Kygo and Steve Aoki On my first day I took a deep breath googled Sofi Tucker and attempted to write a compelling announcement that contributed to building the artists brand Interning in the marketing department at Ultra Records a worldwide music entity and leading electronic music record label I quickly learned how marketing managers apply data from past sales reviews ITunes Soundcloud Facebook likes Twitter and any social media that could generate positive promotion Each day brought about something new Ms Fronda asked me to analyze Spotify statistics for Kaskade one minute and the next to come up with location ideas for Calvin Harris new album release party I appreciated the many opportunities offered at Ultra Not only did I work side by side with marketing managers to develop a marketing campaign for emerging singer Chelsea Cutler but I also learned to work collaboratively Working in a team allowed me to be a contributing member early in my internship Excited to help launch awareness of Cutler s artistry I suggested a social media competition involving her new song Snow in October 

To convince my team to implement the idea I explained that an artist as young and relatable as Chelsea Cutler whose catchy pop songs would resonate with teenage girls should be marketed in a way that focuses on reaching that targeted market Although I understood the value of push marketing especially for a big well funded record label company the ubiquity of social media and digital technology has upended traditional approaches I recognize the need to get a better understanding of emerging technology and strategy in marketing I need a more comprehensive and dynamic foundation The MS in Integrated Marketing at NYU School of Professional Studies is exactly the kind of rigorous and holistic program that will provide the multifaceted approach to marketing that will help me refine my skills in brand marketing while providing a broader general foundation The core program which exposes students to an array of classes with a breadth and depth of topics from strategy to finance to digital marketing to analysis and research particularly attracts me The MS in Integrated Marketing prepares students to tackle issues that arise in not one but all areas of the marketing mix At Ultra I worked side by side other non marketing departments which provided a synergistic energy that catalyzed creativity My position at Ultra revealed the consequential role that marketing plays in the success or failure of an artist Such consequences extend more broadly speaking to any product service or idea in circulation I want to learn how to make the executive marketing decisions that lead to success I realize that while I had good ideas throughout my Ultra internship they were typically backed by my own intuition and never extended further to the integration of marketing across the various elements of the promotion mix 

While I articulated marketing objectives as I did for Chelsea Cutler I lacked the ability to plan market research and lacked the knowledge necessary to select appropriate strategies for elements of the marketing mix NYU s Integrated Marketing course would provide me with the proper foundation to do all of this A course such as Campaign I Strategy Execution which focuses on understanding the creative process and how to effectively manage all elements for consistent strategy branding and successful integration would also have proven useful as I worked on Cutler s marketing strategy Additionally Finance for Marketing Decisions would have allowed me to plan better measurable marketing campaigns in order to really assess the success of my ideas rather than just infer from qualitative measurements As a French girl who lives in America I believe that I hold a thorough understanding of the varying attitudes behaviors and values that vary across cultures Culture has long been recognized as a major asset for marketers when building greater engagement growth and relevance However many companies still fail to acknowledge the importance leading to what becomes competitive disadvantages Take Gerber for example the well recognized baby food maker s name

A household name in America Gerber evokes warm feeling However Gerber in French means vomit hardly an image of idyllic infancy Similarly Colgate extended its toothpaste in France introducing a toothpaste called Cue the marketing department did not realize that Cue also served as the name of French pornographic magazine This marketing decision limited Gerber and Colgate s potential to market globally and resulted in their inability to offer their products in France The failure to recognize these marketing faux pas demonstrates that both companies lack understanding on how to appeal across various sensibilities As companies struggle to properly assimilate their marketing tactics to other cultures neglecting what they consider to be negligible differences their strategies suffer I hope to offer both an American and French perspective contributing to the enrichment of classroom discussions as well as future employers helping to broaden marketing decisions across cultures

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