397My interaction with automobiles has ranged from early times of admiration to present day usage as an indispensable companion It was difficult for me to understand how this mechanical machine would propel into the horizon The pursuit of this quest made me realize that it was actually the electronics behind the picture that controls each and every aspect of a vehicle In an ever growing field of automotive technology with a paradigm shift towards autonomous driving and efficient systems the subject of electronics in fields of real time embedded systems control systems and communications technology holds the key in making this world a safer and cleaner place and I wish to be a part of the boundless research that is taking place in this regard Pursuing these interests
Concluding thanks to 3 5 years of total professional experience I feel an undergraduate course is merely an exposure to the subjects and does not deal with the in depth analysis of any given field This special interest in the vast and capricious domain of Embedded Systems has pushed me to pursue a master's course in the field Having worked for two German giants I have opted for Germany as my only preference to pursue masters as I am greatly influenced by German work culture and technological excellence I would be grateful if I am accorded the opportunity to pursue my further studies at your institution as the course offered is in sync with my interests I assure you that I will definitely be able to justify your faith in me I thank you for this opportunity given to express myself and truly hope that the admission committee will see me as an asset and place their trust in my abilities as a prospective student