Essay Example on My motivation for choosing MS in Computer Science through China Scholarship









I have written this Study Plan to underline my motivation for choosing MS in Computer Science through China Scholarship Council CSC Scholarship in CHINA I have briefly summed up my field of interest and career objectives Academic Background I have completed my Bachelor's studies in Computer Sciences from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Pakistan in January 2017 I was an active student among others during my Bachelors studies very often shown a excellent record in curricular and co curricular activities also witnessed by my authoritative personalities I did course projects during the Four years of study individually as well as in a group which created in me self confidence as well as ability to work in team environment I did my final year project on COMSATS Android Application with the group of three members in which I was Lead the Team The Android App will push the notification for the important announcements by the staff of the campus and the App will use Google Cloud Messaging for pushing the notification 

A walk through gate function will be introduced in this App which will help to navigate the new students to the desired location within the campus Information regarding course portal and faculty details will be available for the students of the Comsats Student will be able to see the schedule of their classes Google Analytics will be integrate in the app that will track and show the reports of the traffic in this Android App While working on this project I found strong motivation in myself towards graduate study and research in the area of Big Data My Personality By fact I am keen to serve the mankind socially as I have a dynamic potential of keeping the friends under the umbrella of sincerity and friendly nature a good communicator indeed who is blessed with many friends I have a good practice of effective and efficient communication that allows me to access the individuals with positive approach bringing an ultimate dedication to work for better future Apart from my endeavors I am keen to work and collaborate with the diverse form of people coming from different parts of the world that's makes me able to work with different thoughts of people under different circumstances Meetings are always important because they prove to be useful in future also it makes things easy whether one works or studies in his own country or outside the country 

Study Perspectives Regarding China I would like to apply for the Master s Degree in Computer Sciences in China because in different phases that I have gone through during my Bachelors study I realized the fact that there is more knowledge which is remaining to be explored in the field of Computer Sciences this caught my attention and created a thirst of knowledge in me to study my chosen area My motto is to work in an international field related to Big Data Therefore I would like to gain theoretical and practical knowledge in starting and managing most innovative projects related to Big Data I have a deep vision of unveiling hidden inventions in this field that brings progress by leaps and bounds in the field of technology and I would accompany the professors and university colleagues in carrying out research and exploring for immense exciting industrial mysteries in the field of Big Data After completion of my Master s Degree I hope to be able to take part in maximizing my country s research in the field of technology to benefit its economy and enhance the living standards Reasons to study in China Now the question is Why China Reading and observing cultures people using internet exploring ideas of developed nations foremost example came to my mind is China by analyzing and observing the people of China

I am really impressed that Chinese people have proved themselves to be dedicated to their work and with true efforts, they have set China as a successful example for other third world or developed countries The Technological advancement and the global ranking education institutes of China makes a great aspiration to the students and professionals for the better career perspectives 

Thus such kind of positivity has increased my confidence and I am strongly satisfied with the decision that I have taken to study in China Moreover China's different cultural norms and values the famous gentle hospitality of Chinese people and Pakistan China-friendly relations since past to promote bilateral trade acceptance and peace to both sides in great clarity make me feel that China as my second homeland also my family fully supports me for China being my preference for Masters Degree I also believe that provided the research facilities I would also be able to write valuable research papers in the field of Computer Science that's make me motivated to apply for this scholarship I believe I would prove to be a valuable asset for the university itself and towards the field of Computer Science All of these multi reasons have urged me and I have come to the decision that China is most preferable place for me to study I hope this statement will find you in favorable and obliged circumstances that will create my ways to study over there

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