Essay Example on My name is Iris Greenland and I'm 13 years Old








My name is Iris Greenland and I'm 13 years old When I was younger I watched a movie about a lonesome old man who became extremely ill and passed away His entire family went to his funeral and the family that had once been very isolated from one another came together and became closer because of what happened I believed that that s what happened to all families when someone became ill until one day I realized that that wasn't true for all families

My family's story went in a completely different direction It was March 3 about 2 years ago when my parents decided to take my older sister Cassidy to the hospital after she had been sick and extremely frail for two weeks Cassidy and I are three years apart and we are both considered to be small for our grade but Cassidy would stay home and read rather than play sports like I do yet I ve never broken a bone and she has broken her left arm twice her right arm once her left leg and her right leg My father despised hospitals because of the number of times he was there as a young boy He was unsure about taking Cassidy but my mother was convinced that there was something amiss When we arrived at the hospital I followed my parents through the main doors into the waiting room After waiting for over an hour a doctor brought my sister into a hospital room and I was asked to wait outside I sat to the right of the door trying to piece together what they were saying but I could only understand a couple of things that they were discussing The doctor mentioned something about running tests and he asked about family history A few minutes later one of the doctors walked out of the room pushing Cassidy in a hospital bed As I peeked my head around the door I saw my dad standing beside the door Sitting restlessly in a chair behind my dad was my mom talking on the phone I stood up and walked into the room and asked Where did they take Cassidy My voice was quiet and shaky

My father stood staring at me for a moment until finally he responded They took her to run some tests Now please go wait outside and I'll speak to you in a moment I understood that he was scared so I walked back out of the room and patiently waited My father shut the door behind me so I decided to find something to take my mind off of things I looked around but the hallway was empty without any pictures or posters on the walls just a light coat of grey paint After a couple of hours Cassidy was brought back from testing It was now 1 00 a m and I was starting to drift away when I heard an argument erupt from inside of the room Osteogenesis Imperfecta How But there's no history There has to be some kind of mistake Can you redo the test She seemed perfectly healthy a couple of months ago How could this happen If she's had it for her entire life why hasn't a single doctor realized it Her voice was beginning to turn into a cry when the doctor spoke up I understand that what you are going through is arduous and you must have a million questions I am happy to answer all of your questions and concerns in the morning but for now it is important that the two of you get your rest The doctor walked out of the room and saw me resting my head on the chair s armrest so he hunted down a blanket and pillow for me to use As I dozed off I remembered one of my favorite family moments It was a cold afternoon in the fall Cassidy had just gotten her cast off after breaking her left arm for the second time We played outside for hours and then we watched a movie together I didn't know why it was my favorite memory until then it was simple I enjoyed that moment the most because for that afternoon the whole world seemed to fade away and it was just us playing in the backyard The next day consisted of long conversations between the doctor and our parents in a small room down the hall I sat with my sister in her hospital room We were talking about school when I finally gained enough courage to say Are you okay I was staring at the floor hoping she would answer There was a long pause until she finally whispered To be honest I'm a little shaken and a bit baffled It seems like everyone is always talking about me but never to me It's like they're having a conversation and I m just sitting there trying to get a grasp of what they're saying She seemed placid which surprised me because I'm pretty sure I would've gone berserk out Last night when you were asleep mom was crying because I know But weren't you asleep No they thought I was but I was really just listening to their conversation the whole time Our conversation ended when our parents returned from meeting with the doctor They quietly walked to the two chairs opposite me and sat down not saying a word I assumed that wasn't a good sign

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