Essay Example on North Korea first hinted at it s nuclear Testing









Around thirteen years ago North Korea first hinted at it s nuclear testing circulating 2005 and early 2006 During that time however no test ever came to fruition leaving suspicion as to what they planned on doing On October 9 2006 however the state claimed to have successfully conducted a test North Korea s claims put the world on edge and lately their actions have disturbed the world for quite a while now However the question now more than ever is up for debate Is North Korea really as dangerous as they claim Are they something to be feared Are they a threat to us and should we be taking them seriously Thankfully you have nothing to worry about and this is why Now I ll talk about their attempts to scare us with their nuclear weapons in just a moment I first want to cover their recent cyber attacks Firstly you may remember November 14th of 2014 Sony Pictures was hacked and much of its data was leaked online The workers at Sony were locked out of the computers by a screen with pictures a red skeleton and a ransom if they wanted to get their computers back 

The group who performed the hack referred to themselves as the Guardians of Peace however people quickly pointed fingers elsewhere At the time Sony Pictures we re developing a comedy where the plot was the assassination of Kim Jong Un People suspected North Koreans were upset by the idea and when North Korea was confronted with performing the attack they denied the attack North Korean officials stated It seems only just Now we fast forward to May of 2017 the infamous WannaCry virus was released The virus would lock up computers and demand ransom in bitcoin in order for users to regain access According to Barkly com over 400 000 machines had been infected world wide It took no time at all to connect the dots especially when the FBI confirmed the code in the WannaCry virus happened to be using the same code as the first attack on Sony All this is them trying to show off their cyber warfare capabilities and it seems rather frightening It reality however these attacks were rather weak When both viruses attacked newest 

Windows updates had already patched the security flaws the viruses exploited Hence a world wide attack only affect 400 000 not up to date machines Now of course the big one North Korea's nuclear program It's been quite the debate lately but does it have enough to be dangerous to us North Korean nuclear programs have had small victories and large failures and in the last few months its had two major fails Four defectors from the area near North Korea's border tells of nuclear pollution and scientists confirm that nuclear testing sites are showing symptoms that could be attributed to radiation exposure but the South Korean scientists said they could not conclude that the health problems had been caused by a nuclear test Even more recently however the Hwasong 12 intermediate range ballistic missile a missile with a nuclear warhead equipped malfunctioned only 4 minutes after take off falling and striking North Korean city Tokchon home to over 200 000 North Koreans While North Korea may or may not be the almighty threat they try to pursue themselves to be they are capable of chaos Frank Jannuzi the policy director of East Asian and Pacific affairs for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1997 to 2012 and now the head of the Mansfield Foundation states The risk that they might proliferate that they might export nuclear material or know how that's a much greater risk Jannuzi s statement essentially means that what North Korea s doing could be dangerous if it was done by someone other than North Korea

He goes on to explain why he feels a bomb threat is not even a concern by saying I think that under most circumstances even now when they are frankly already under economic sanctions and military pressure North Korea will not be suicidal Jannuzi says North Korea will not attack the United States knowing that it would seal its own destruction Deterrence works The only exception to that he adds is one where Kim Jong un might determine that the United States was about to launch an attack designed to kill him and overthrow his government So to conclude North Korea gives little for us to fear Their hacking and malicious cyber attacks are easily preventable through keeping you devices up to date and their Nuclear Program isn t to blow us up but an attempt to put themselves on the radar as a world power Considering this is the country that claimed Kim Jong Un could control the weather and that his son had cured cancer they have proven themselves undeserving of our attention Thank you

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