Essay Example on Nursing and Midwifery Code








According to the Nursing and Midwifery Code NMC 2015 of professional conduct it is a requirement for nurses to update their knowledge and skills through regular learning and professional development activities to help maintain and improve care and develop their competence Nurses spent most of their time caring for patient and are required to make decisions regards to patient care and sought solutions which are based on the best available evidence Therefore it is imperative that they are familiar with evaluating whether available research could be used in their practice To do this nurses need to be familiar with research appraisal According to Gerrish and Lathlean 2015 research appraisal help the nurse to ascertain whether the finding is credible and can be applied in their area of practice or whether the research is flawed Parahoo 2014 highlight the importance of nursing research as a way of generating knowledge to contribute towards the growth of nursing practice The aim of this report is to explore the chosen topic and using the acronym GRADE to identify knowledge and evidence that informs healthcare disciplines to undertake and plan research activity reflect on research theory and forms of evidence Additional appraisal and ethics will be discussed and finally to assess how Personal Development Plan helped in preparing research awareness and how database support selected topic Generating a focus of enquiry

The chosen topic is to evaluate how Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD is diagnosed and treated in general population This topic was selected according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE 2015 in the United Kingdom UK there are approximately 3 million people who have COPD It is estimated that around 900 000 individuals have been diagnosed with COPD and it is predicted that 2 million people are under diagnosed with COPD with the majority of patient are not diagnosed until they are in their fifties Evidence suggests that COPD continue to be a problem in the community According to Department of Health DH 2011 COPD is the fifth major cause of death in the UK Around 25 000 people are killed by COPD per year In England and Wales between 2007 and 2009 Studies shows that 12 of emergency admissions are caused by COPD and every year it costs National Health Service NHS more than 800 million Whilst the student was in the community placement she cared for many patients with COPD she goes to patient's home for visit to carry out COPD checks she realised that many of the patient were not knowledgeable about their condition they were not adhering to their treatment and most of them have poor knowledge in inhaler technique this resulted in most patients having constant chest infections COPD exacerbation and this led to frequent hospital admissions According to NICE 2015 50 of patients do not take their prescribed medication as recommended Moreover it is reported that some staff do not educate inhaler technique appropriately

It is estimated that 130 000 patients are admitted to hospitals because of COPD exacerbation This led to the student interest The aim is to found out how is COPD diagnosed and treated in general population By doing the search the student will gain knowledge and skills to care for people with COPD The student will gain an understanding on the barriers which are impacting on patient s self management This literature search will also help to inform the student s practice Retrieving the correct type of information To search for articles that were relevant to the area of the student's practice keywords and search phrases were entered into the following databases CINHAL MEDLINE EMBASE Google Scholar and Scopus Database According to Aveyard 2014 databases comprises of various academic articles that are specific to the subject of interest These databases were chosen because they contain nursing research According to Polit and Beck 2012 keywords are used to search electronic information which helps to retrieved relevant records The keywords that were utilised in this search were COPD Diagnosis Treatment Patient and Population The keywords enable the database to source articles were related to the search When the keywords were entered into CINHAL database 193 articles were retrieved However many articles were irrelevant to the search query Therefore search filters were applied to retrieve relevant articles For this topic the aim was to source articles that were contemporary Therefore search was restricted to 2013 to 2015 Aveyard 2010 says that current research ensures For this search filter 79 hits were source However the search needed to be narrowed down as most articles were from different countries and some were written in different languages therefore the search was restricted geographical to the UK and Ireland as the aim was to source articles which could be applied to the student s practice 28 articles were retrieved The search was narrowed further by applying full text and academic journals only filters 14 articles were retrieved The student did not yield any relevant articles Therefore the date was expanded to 10 years and the geographical to worldwide since there were insufficient current research in relation to this topic Two primary research articles were sourced when the search was expanded A qualitative article by Walters et al 2008 entitled Under diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A qualitative study in primary care The second primary research article by Wurst Punekar and Shukla 2014 entitled Treatment Evolution after COPD Diagnosis in the UK Primary Care Setting Both were selected because they answered the search query they are primary research Although the research article by Walters et al 2008 was not conducted in the UK However the findings could be applicable to the student area of practice Walters et al 2008 was included because there was insufficient evidence in the UK

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