S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 12 Mahesh N Rajar Shainash Czerwinski Brien 2012 explore the indian online shopping through the concept of shopping orientations 2 Terms used Factor analysis for shopping orientation themes cluster analysis for similar profiles of consumers segments like Value singularity quality at any price and reputation Reputation and quality are key value on online shoppers segments identified value singularity quality at any price as well as reputation consumers wants reputation and quality first study conducted in India on use of shopping orientation researcher may continue towards development of this emerging market futures research should also include the comparative studies as well S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 13 Lung Hsu Chuanlin Chiang 2012 how blog recommendations effects consumer s decision to shop conceptual model technology acceptance model TAM online users of Taiwan were selected as target sample approach online survey blogger recommendations and trust has effects on user s attitude towards online shopping sample was self selected because respondents were online users study is limited in Taiwan only possible differences among demographics characteristics such as age gender income level
S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 14 Pappos Paleli Gianako Chirrilopoulos 2013 moderating effects on consumer s satisfaction and then intention to repurchase theory of reasoned action theory of planned behaviour expectation confirmation theory social cognitive theory universities and public areas random sampling approach survey experience directly effects on satisfaction and intention to repurchase study is suitable only in Greece self reported scale use to measure the variables techniques to attract new e consumers S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 15 Hsiang Hsu Choung Se Hsu 2013 determines the factors having influence on behavioral decisions in e shopping online survey data collection approach online survey trust has direct impact on e shopping intention perceived risk has negative affects the attitude privacy and security as well as web quality are factors for consumers to trust in website website use for data collection was not unique variety of different buying websites can make this research s results more effective study based on cross sectional find more other factors which have impact on intention to purchase S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 16 Akhlaq Ahmed 2014 to examine the factors which have associated with online shopping intention in pakistan on the basis of TAM proposed model of risks PU PEOU PR LF PE Distrust TAM university and staff students pu pe pr peou of distrust independently effects towards intention to purchase online data was collected in karachi adding more effective variables which may more affect towards intention to shop online S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 17 Debei Mamoun Mohamed 2014 to examine the attitude of consumers towards e shopping integrated model theory of reasoned action TRA theory of planned behaviour
TPB Online shoppers are target sample Approach online survey attitudes of e consumers can determined by perceived benefits as well as trust high level of perceived web quality leads toward high level of trust target samples are only early adopters study is suitable only in jordan focus on non adopters use longitudinal design to understand e consumers attitudes S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 18 Vos Marinigi Trivellos Eberhigan Shourlas 2014 identify the strategies which may reduce risk in online shopping through buyer's perspectives structured questionnaire target sample were adults in Greece Athens approach survey ease of use customization and assurance as well as responsiveness positive effects on e loyalty and satisfaction regarding e trust How trust influence shopper s behaviours intention to buy target samples are adults having low income sources as well as less experience to shop online study is suitable and limited in Greece online retailers boost consumers trust and contributes in the adoption of electronic shopping S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 19 Mamoun Debei 2015 examine the factors which have direct impact on the attitudes of consumers Confirmatory factor analysis CFA exploratory factor analysis EFA both are use to construct the validity online shopper and retailers were target sample in Jordan approach online survey role of perceived website reputation relative advantage perceived website image and trust affects the attitude of consumer towards e shopping study is suitable only in Jordan cross sectional study that s why consumer cannot measures the attitudes of consumers examine the attitudes of consumers towards other online websites in Jordan
S No Authors Date Research Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools Techniques Findings Limitations Future Recommendations 20 Reimers 2015 explore the influence of email marketing on perceived value derived from e shopping based on TAM conceptual model technology acceptance model TAM online shopper adults were target sample approach online survey PEM has positive effects on usefulness ease of use as well as enjoyment providing necessary information to consumers that what they actually wants perceived ease of use and usefulness has direct impacts on consumers attitude study is based on fashion shopping only target samples were selectued from Malbourna Australia other consumers have may different views about online shopping examine other product categories to extend this study influence of PEM on attitudes pem mediating and moderating role in relationship between TAM and attitude
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"Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools" Noplag, 18 Jan 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/objective-model-theory-in-paper-method-tools
"Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools". Noplag, Feb 16, 2020. Accessed: January 18, 2025. https://noplag.com/free-essays/objective-model-theory-in-paper-method-tools
"Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools" Noplag, 18 Jan 2025, https://noplag.com/free-essays/objective-model-theory-in-paper-method-tools
"Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools" Noplag, 16-Feb-2020. [Online]. Availible: https://noplag.com/free-essays/objective-model-theory-in-paper-method-tools . [Accessed: 18-Jan-2025]
Noplag. (2020). Objective Model Theory in Paper Method Tools16-Feb-2020. . [Online]. Availible at: https://noplag.com/free-essays/objective-model-theory-in-paper-method-tools [Accessed: 18-Jan-2025]
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