318My personal assessment Comparing Windows 7 to other operating systems the shut down time and boot time is 30 quicker in both categories The speed of the sleep and wake mode are also fast The battery life is however not what I expect or feel comfortable with I am however comfortable with windows 7 because of its simplicity It is easier to maneuver around the laptop without experiencing any difficulties This is not the case for operating systems such as Windows 10 that I find hard to use Windows 7 suits my day to day activities such as writing and storing documents I believe that Windows 10 would suit an individual that is more into gaming because of its high quality graphics Windows 7 rarely crashes I was using windows 8 before I installed Windows 7 and it crashed very frequently resulting in me losing a lot of documents I opted to reinstall Windows 7 and stick to it Windows 7 is not free and one has to purchase it to have full access to it References Silberschatz A Galvin P B Gagne G 2014 Operating system concepts essentials John Wiley Sons Inc Arambatzis T Lazaridis I Pouros S 2015 September Modern Windows Operating Systems Vulnerabilities In The Second International Conference on Information Security and Digital Forensics ISDF2015 p 53 Ward K 2010 October 22 The Six Best Things About Microsoft Windows 7 Retrieved from https www lifewire com best windows 7 features 3506968 Windows 7 News Features PCMag com PCMag com 2017 November 29 Retrieved from https www pcmag com Windows 7