Essay Example on Parental neglect refers to a condition characterized by parental Failure









Parental neglect refers to a condition characterized by parental failure to attend appropriately the physical psychological and social needs of the child Khaleque 1 One deeply damaging and under recognized type of abuse is parental neglect In Jeannette Walls book The Glass Castle Jeannette's parents neglect nearly results in her death multiple times with explosions fires and downright dangerous living quarters Neglecting a child has serious consequences including social deficiencies mental problems ignorance and physical problems Physical parental neglect leads to unsafe environments which can cause serious injury Physically neglected children s parents ignore the child's environment and circumstances Neglect may not initially present as very urgent but when the child finds themselves in a dangerous situation with no help from their parents this causes a dangerous possibly lethal problem When a child becomes severely injured or finds themselves in a traumatic situation it is known as a childhood traumatic event and on occasion will cause PTSD post traumatic stress disorder These issues called ACEs adverse childhood experiences group together all traumatic events such as abuse and parental mental illness People with more than one ACE have worse health outcomes Natalie Burke with TED talk states The higher your ACE score the worse your health outcome For a person with an ACE score of four or more their risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was two and half times that of someone with a score of zero

 For hepatitis it was also two and a half times Burke ACEs are dangerous and not only increase your likeliness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and hepatitis but also depression 4x as likely suicidality 12x lung cancer 3x and ischemic heart disease 3 ½x ACEs hold a severely high risk of fatality stemming from the fact that the patient is twelve twelve times as likely to have suicidality and three and a half times the likelihood of getting ischemic heart disease the number one killer in the United States In the Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls Jeannette comes close to death multiple times purely because her parents decided they didn't care to watch her So we mixed up a batch of what Brian called nuclear fuel pouring different liquids into a can When I tossed in the match a cone of flame shot up with a whoosh like a jet afterburner Walls 61 In fact her father said It's A place where no rules apply or at least they haven't figured them out yet You all got a little too close to it today Walls 61 Her father doesn't bother watching his children and they almost kill themselves mixing chemicals and lighting them on fire He even admits that they came close to death in his own metaphorical way Physical parental neglect can be survived If someone has been physically neglected they can live a full self sufficient life but emotional neglect does not result in the same positive outcomes Neglected children may suffer from ignorance mental problems and may not receive adequate social exposure Children when neglected are often scarred for life and they are worse off because they do not know how to behave They often develop problems such as aggression or insecurity because the parents do not bother to teach their children how to act or think for themselves Youths with exceptionalities may not get the help and support they deserve 

As Abdul Khaleque states Individuals who perceive themselves to be rejected by their parents or by other attachment figures tend to develop problems with 1 anger hostility aggression 2 dependence or defensive independence 3 negative self esteem 4 negative self adequacy 5 emotional instability 6 emotional unresponsiveness Khaleque 2 Children who feel neglected often lash out because they become subconsciously aware that they should feel cared for in a loving way Low self esteem results from children feeling inadequate and unwanted The emotional instability they experience removes any sense of normality from their lives leaving them emotionally unresponsive In The Glass Castle the Mother emotionally neglects the children multiplus times she even wants to stop working You can t quit your job I said We need the money Why do I always have to be the one who earns the money Mom asked You have a job You can earn money Lori can earn money too I ve got more important things to do Walls 218 The Mother shrugs off all of her duties and throws them on her children not considering the stress she causes them Putting the financial stress of the whole family on the children's shoulders may cause copious stress Which can lead to depression and anxiety which will mentally damage them and hinder their adult lives While emotional abuse may mentally scar for life and physical neglect can kill they can both be survived as Jeannette Walls proves In The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls shares her stories and experiences of neglect abuse and alcoholism and their impact on her life Walls personal exposure to parental abuse left deep lasting emotional and physical scars Rosemary and Rex Walls deliberately neglectful choices created heinous social and psychological problems that have lasted Jeanette her entire life Abuse in the form of neglect is an issue that touches us all We want to pretend it doesn t exist or apply to us but it does This problem will not end until we admit the problem and we purge the world of its existence

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