Essay Example on Participatory Design Meeting would be a fantastic Chance








A Participatory Design Meeting would be a fantastic chance for designers and researchers to sit and discuss with the end user People design IT while designers do not have the level of control they want to communicate their ideas Participatory design is not being used as it should have been and due to that there are many IT systems not performing as it should be nor as for how it was planned Making a system to users should include the users expectations of that system and what it can provide extra to them as an added value This paper talks about participatory design with a focus on its origin and the values and ethical aspects underpinning this approach What was the rationale for participatory design to emerge Are the values and the ethical foundation even more important today Author Keywords Participatory Design Analysis Design Origin mutual Learning techniques decision power ACM Classification Keywords H 5 m Information interfaces and presentation HCI Miscellaneous

INTRODUCTION The Participatory Design PD is a process in which equally system designers and users work with studying understanding reflecting upon beginning developing and supporting joint learning with the intention of designing information technologies Participatory plan is likewise an exercise that gives us directions on the best way to respond while involving members which thusly has added to the development of and theories around methods for how to create genuine user participation RESEARCH DATA A lot of articles discussed PD and how it can make a difference while some has succeeded in using PD methods others faced obstacles One of the reasons was from IT development environment where the developer is very supportive Such struggle by itself requires more research work to focus on and perhaps to find alternative solutions and discover other new methods Qualitative research in PD This type of research is required to provide the focus area and determine the direction of design and maintain the correct path Observation of users during the implementation phases of the new system can help in understanding what they need to make it easier and faster to use increase the productivity and mention any system design improvements required Interviews also can provide direct notes to developers feedback and suggestions on how the system should be improved in an iterative way

Quantitative research in PD Through the quantitative research we can prove the design flaws before PD and confirm the effect of PD on project success Statistical data can provide a clear view of how the system is performing and how this can be directed to further improvements It can also provide us with the actual numbers on how the system design is and what users on ground prefer Mixed method Each phase to be monitored and evaluated by both qualitative and quantitative approaches to evaluate and plan for the next phases this will ensure that the project is on the success path Figure 1 Participatory Design Involves various stakeholders Image George J 2015 on Web Design Fanatic PD METHODS A system designer s profession is all about systems design and designing information systems is a process that involves Analyze and interpret situations and phenomena Recommend Design or re design IT artifacts Design an organization that is in line with structures processes routines etc Implement Information Technology IT Systems IS Design Initial efforts of analysis and design that form the basis for deciding which of the outlined visions for future IT usage best meet business goals and user needs for IT support in their work 11 Therefore a designer is professionally responsible for the information technology design project But what does this responsibility mean in practice and how is a systems designer to act What roles can a systems designer take on as listed below in table 1 Engineer Facilitator Emancipator Improve a situation by developing better IT artifacts Tries to increase users competences Users are expected to act

Computerized technology is an opportunity to improve society Interested in technical knowledge Interested in contributing to increased understandings of digital technology Interested in protecting and emancipate from oppressive use of computerized technologies Aims at increasing efficiency Increase understanding of how technology can serve humans Aims at avoiding an IT that supports unfairness and unequal distribution of power Table 1 Roles which a systems designer can take History of Design Back in the 1960 s in Scandinavia Infology It was all about how to develop and use IS for work activities so that user needs are met This design tradition was based on the concept called Point of departure where users can provide full and clear descriptions of their needs and wishes This tradition was practically oriented as it departed from system development projects created methods in a trial and error style towards building theory to increase knowledge Back in the 1970 s in the UK The socio technical tradition was being used in the UK and was based on the understanding of that anxiety and resistance towards technologies at workplaces System development is not solely a technical matter it is also about social and organizational issues Also that interaction between IT system and users is important Back in the 1970 s in Scandinavia The Union and political tradition were focused on human social and political aspects in the contexts where IS was designed and used This tradition wanted to ensure democracy in working life thus systems development was regarded a political project It aimed at increasing workers influence and participation

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