Essay Example on Patients data and information Privacy









Patients data and information privacy have become a debatable issue in the healthcare practices around the world Technology plays a significant role in nurse working in today's dynamic health systems Nursing informatics is the practice and science that assimilates nursing its knowledge and information with communication and information to promote the health of communities families and individuals worldwide The nursing informatics knowledge application is empowering for entire healthcare practitioners in providing the best care to patients Nurse informatics work as creators of information technologies communication chief nursing officers software engineers educators policy developers business owners and implementation consultants to improve healthcare Murphy 2010 To assure the safety data in the healthcare organization or nursing practice the healthcare professionals require being accountable for utilizing information system Strategies Support and Promote Data Security Some of the recommended practice includes optimizing adoption and participatory approach of service delivery Nursing as a practice does not only include the need of patients but on the interpersonal intellectual as well as technical skills as such the skills that will help a nurse promote and support data security Lusardi 2012 

Precisely the communication skills will allow the nurse to avoid disclosing patient confidential information unintentionally Also technical skills on how to use nursing-specific software such as information management for patient safety and other computerized documentation are vital as they will allow the nurse to know how to store public health information without inappropriate disclosure Besides the experiences the nurses get on computer technology skills that will enable them to make judgments based on the data at hand In daily practice there are potential threats to the patient information these include computer viruses inappropriate deletion of critical patient information duplication of information through photocopiers or unauthorized disclosure of information Patient Confidentiality must be Promoted The expectation of confidentiality in medical care is rooted in the ethical standards in all medical professionals Improper disclosure whether done knowingly or unknowingly can cause devastating consequences With the increasing introduction of electronic documentation maintaining or controlling information is difficult Nurses have their code of ethics that guides their practice which includes the Nightingale pledges and the IMIA code of ethics 

These codes outline that nurse should do everything in their power to hold patient information in confidence The nurse needs to preserve the security of the information system to avoid unauthorized access to the computerized health care system as such implementing s login process before accessing information is critical They also need to avoid inappropriate disclosure to family members or patients Support and Promote positive Patient Outcomes Nursing practices intervention is largely unpredictable and the nursing knowledge of the certain population and their need is important at bridging the gap between social and technical Hussey Kennedy 2016 By adopting the role of a maverick nurses can help assist transform locals become early adopters for integrating the new care process into clinical practice Other than the state regulatory other regulatory requirements are put in place to protect the confidentiality of personal media information HIPPA for example is a regulatory requirement that protects the patient information through set practices Some of the requirement under HIPPA is that the Public health data to be stored need to be encrypted with multi factor authentication for accessibility HIPPA and other regulations when fully implemented can contribute to a well integrated system The population that works with health information including the clinicians the researchers in health institution are affected by this regulation but they also have the responsibility to recognize and respect the patient confidential information Nurse and Leaders Must have skills to Use Technology 

Health system is facing many challenges including an aging population workforce development and reduced funding The leaders in nursing practice have a critical role to play in endorsing patient safety since they lead and accomplish the workforce A nurse may carry out a breadth of activities which are critical in delivering better patient care and positive outcome nevertheless they do not work in isolation Precisely nurse capability to offer the best practice care is highly dependent on the environment created by the leadership Gantz et al 2012 Since informatics is now a universal concept nurse leaders across the globe need to have informatics skills as a strategic way to position nursing in the health care system while making the professional engages akin other healthcare professionals Besides they need to recognize informatics as an instigator they must embrace technology and find ways in which it will be integrated into the nursing practice Such recognition will spur the leader into a discourse on a mechanism to instantiate clinical knowledge to create a new health care delivery Walker 2010 Healthcare outcome results from multifaceted collaboration between the nurses the patient the treatment and the information healthcare system and the foundation of addressing the challenges along the way lie on the nurse leaders Conclusion A sound basis for dealing with the issues the nurse s face in their practice lies on the nurses informatics capability to understand and balance patient care with the technological system and the structure of an organization that supports the balance The nurses need to integrate the knowledge and perception of the new technology in their daily nursing practice The leaders need to use informatics skills to ensure that the nurse delivers the best practice to produce better health outcome

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