Essay Example on People can monitor their health using a wearable Technology








With this busy lifestyle people can monitor their health using a wearable technology and thus can improve the quality of life We intend to develop a smartphone app which will help people to monitor their day to day activities related to health and diet plans using their phones and wearable sensors The monitoring will involve physiological signals including electrocardiogram and electroencephalography The App will generate recommendation for a healthy lifestyle based on the daily routine it will suggest some healthy activities and diet tips to the user to prevent serious health issues The application will also provide a platform for social interaction with other similar users It is expected that this smart app will be a catalyst in better management of healthy activities in daily life Project goal Our goal is to help people to monitor their day to day activities related to health and diet plans using their phones and wearable sensors The monitoring will involve physiological signals including electrocardiogram and electroencephalography The App will generate recommendation for a healthy lifestyle based on the daily routine it will suggest some healthy activities and diet tips to the user to prevent serious health issues Aims Objectives Our goal is to help people to monitor their day to day activities related to health and diet plans using their phones and wearable sensors The monitoring will involve physiological signals including electrocardiogram and electroencephalography The App will generate recommendation for a healthy lifestyle based on the daily routine it will suggest some healthy activities and diet tips to the user to prevent serious health issues Deliverables Following are the Deliverables 1 Prototype A prototype of sensors and android application working together 2 Android application having all proposed functionalities 3 Recommendations based on the data received and analyzed 4 Project documentation

Chapter 2 Literature Review Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks WBASN is an emerging technology which uses wireless sensors to implement real time wearable health monitoring of patients to enhance independent living 1 A WBASN for health monitoring may include sensors that can help to determine the user s location discriminate among the user s states e g lying sitting walking running or estimate the type and level of the user's physical activity In this paper we describe new Mobile Health Monitoring system architecture it uses a wireless body area networks WBASN to collect and send data to the cloud server through GPRS UMTS 4 1 In recent years mobile phones have become an increasingly important platform for the delivery of health interventions 26 Chan 27 proposed a multi agent architecture comprising of intelligent agents for cardio monitoring It relies on the GSM network to collect patient data Intelligent agents send diagnostic information and recommend medical interventions The software stack for Chan s architecture is based on the Symbian operating system while the server side agent is programmed in Java 2 Micro Edition J2ME and Java 2 Enterprise Edition J2EE 2 IRJET V3I4145 pdf Stress is a physical response to the mental emotional or physical problem that we noticed Immediate threats produce the acute stress reaction 9 The hormones related with stress such as adrenaline into the bloodstream to boost concentration 

There are also some related physical changes such as increased heart rate and automatic reflexes For healthy conditions the body returns to its normal level after dealing with acute stressors 10 There are many types of physical signal can be observed from human body including electrocardiograph ECG photoplethysmography PPG body temperature blood pressure volume level of glucose and patient activity 13 Electrical activity of the heart measured with help of ECG over time normally captured externally from the human body skin 3 1743 0003 9 21 pdf Wireless communication is relied upon to transmit patient s data to a mobile phone or an access point and relay the information to a remote center via the Internet Emergency situations e g falls are detected via data processing implemented throughout the system and an alarm message is sent to an emergency service center to provide immediate assistance to patients 2 IEEE SJ Review pdf The raw data from sensors are collected by a processor The data are processed and then displayed on a display These types of simple wearable devices are used by normal people while jogging running and other applications where the users look at the display to notice the measured values of the sensors If the device has the feature of wireless data transmitting capability the data can be sent to a central station through a transceiver 3 It is possible to measure the blood pressure using wearable sensors through a modified volume oscillometric technique which eliminates the need for an inflatable pressure cuff 5 and using earphone and mobile device 

6 The next most common physiological parameter is the heart rate of the person under monitoring Heart rate is a precisely regulated variable which plays a critical role in health and disease of human There are many methods available to measure heart rate of a person Photoplethysmography PPG based technology 23 24 sound based 25 based on changes on brightness of person's face 26 and so on 3 590401 pdf Remote Mobile Health Monitoring RMHM system will not only improve the patient's quality of life but also reduce the burden of the medical system and the cost of public health 4 An RMHM System based on smart phone and web service is designed and implemented for patients with chronic diseases especially the elderly The portable terminal integrates vital sign sensors to monitor physiologic data Smart phones are used as both an intuitive human machine interface and an information transmission platform so that a user can easily master his her own health status Through the Android software the user s position can be acquired by outdoor GPS or indoor Wi Fi signal The remote server uses B S browser server structure to provide data query observation curve and patient location 4

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