Essay Example on Performance of Assam in agriculture Sector









Performance of Assam in agriculture sector over the last 30 years 400 words Assam is blessed with vast stretch of fertile land along with plenty of water resources and rainfalls thus making it suitable for agriculture sector Being an agrarian economy the state economy largely depends on agriculture as it employs 63 of Assam s population The agro climatic conditions help in cultivation of a wide range of crops from plantation crops to various fruits vegetables and other commercial plants Assam produces large variety of crops like rice pulse sugarcane mangoes banana pineapple guava potato sweet potato jute mustard tea rapeseed areca nut and turmeric The total production and productivity of agricultural products have increased over the years Exhibit 1 However tea plantation is the most profit making segment and offers employment to large section of workforce in Assam Assam is well known worldwide for its production of tea and accounts for 15 one seventh of the total world production Assam produces some of the finest tea along with its own variety named Camellia Assamica 

It has its own tea auction centre and possess large centre of CTC tea Large dependence on tea plantation can be seen from the fact that 350 thousand hectares of land in Assam cultivated tea in 2014 15 with more than 765 tea gardens and Assam produces 629 million Kgs of tea out of India s total production of 1200 million Kgs 1 A larger push from the government in form of schemes and policies have resulted in an increase in production of tea over the last decade Exhibit 2 Agriculture is the primary sector of the state s economy and greatly influence the socio economic condition of the state It contributes to 22 18 of the state economy Between 2004 05 2015 16 the agriculture sector has grown at a CAGR of 11 62 Exhibit 3 The net area sown in agriculture has increased significantly over the last few decades and currently it accounts to 54 11 of total geographical activity It has witnessed a lot of changes in terms of development of agro technology and diversification into other horticulture segment Despite such huge growth and technological advancement in agriculture this hasn't translated into better economic condition of the people who still lags behind the annual per capita income of India by a huge margin and is still considered a poor state The economy represents a unique juxtaposition of backwardness amidst development 12th Five Year Plan has seen the state turning its focus towards sustainable development in agriculture 400 words 2 Possible causes for success failure of Assam in Agriculture sector 500 words The success of Assam in Agriculture sector can be largely attributed to the effort put in by Government and other institution like World Bank Various scheme related to soil water conservation were implemented to improve the productivity of the land 

The agriculture department in Assam undertook various development projects to ensure growth in crop production During 2001 02 2015 16 18 thousand hectares of land was developed for cultivation Financial support was provided to promote agriculture and horticulture In October 2017 World Bank and India signed a loan agreement of US 0 2 billion to invest in agriculture sector Geographical Indication GI for tea produced in Assam Special Purpose Tea Fund SPTF to support small scale tea grower establishment of R D and Research Institute Tea Research Association for improving the processing and cultivation of tea industry were some of the initiatives taken by the government for improving tea plantation Apart from this the government provided grant under Family Oriented Income Generating Scheme to 200 000 beneficiaries In 2017 18 US 31 4 million was also invested in development for the agriculture sector under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana It also invested in developing an area of 652 1 thousand hectares under horticulture crops Assam s tea plantation provided huge investment opportunities for companies like Goodricke Group Assam has adhered to organic way of farming from the start with the help of government and this has made Assam a suitable place to attract firm like Patanjali Ayurved that opened a food park in Balipara Fertilizers and pesticides consumption is the lowest in comparison to other state of the country and other protective measures are taken by the agricultural institute to protect the plantation 

The agriculture department in Assam undertook various development projects to ensure growth in crop production During 2001 02 2015 16 18 thousand hectares of land was developed for cultivation Financial support was provided to promote agriculture and horticulture In October 2017 World Bank and India signed a loan agreement of US 0 2 billion to invest in agriculture sector Geographical Indication GI for tea produced in Assam Special Purpose Tea Fund SPTF to support small scale tea grower establishment of R D and Research Institute Tea Research Association for improving the processing and cultivation of tea industry were some of the initiatives taken by the government for improving tea plantation Apart from this the government provided grant under Family Oriented Income Generating Scheme to 200 000 beneficiaries In 2017 18 US 31 4 million was also invested in development for the agriculture sector under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana It also invested in developing an area of 652 1 thousand hectares under horticulture crops Assam s tea plantation provided huge investment opportunities for companies like Goodricke Group Assam has adhered to organic way of farming from the start with the help of government and this has made Assam a suitable place to attract firm like Patanjali Ayurved that opened a food park in Balipara Fertilizers and pesticides consumption is the lowest in comparison to other state of the country and other protective measures are taken by the agricultural institute to protect the plantation 

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