Essay Example on Political Cartoon Analysis









Political Cartoon Analysis http www Angelfire com nb2 drook images hanged gif In the political cartoon The final pacification of Europe Napoleon Bonaparte is pictured being hanged by the neck His weapon is fastened on his belt and his hat is on the ground in front of him There are also six personalities in the background celebrating Napoleon's hanging Each of the characters represents a country involved in the French Revolution William Holland the publisher of this cartoon shows how the artist used symbolism imagery and satire to show how happy the rest of the world was after Napoleon s era was officially over The artist used symbols of the countries attire to identify the background characters For instance the artist drew a bear fur cap on the Russian and Holland s figure is plump and has a pipe in his hat The six men represent six different countries and are listed from left to right Russia Prussia England Germany Switzerland and Holland Each of the men is saying Good news for Russia Prussia England etc according to the mans country of origin 

At the bottom of the cartoon is written in large font The Final Pacification of Europe The word pacification means finding peace This shows that this is the main message being passed by the cartoon It shows that after the death of Napoleon people believed that Europe and all the countries of Europe would be at peace and be back to normal The most notable object in the cartoon is by far Napoleon's hat Throughout his journeys Napoleon was notorious for wearing a huge hat The artist presents Napoleon's hat lying on the ground in front of Napoleon This is symbolic of his downfall and the great news for the other nations involved in his tactics Another symbolic aspect featured in the cartoon is Napoleon s left hand His left hand seems to be still gasping for air as if he still feels his reign is not quite over It almost looks as if he could be getting prepared to reach for his weapon and attempt to fight back as he had been recognized to do throughout his time in power 

Additionally the men in the background who represent the other nations of Europe are all marching around and blowing whistles spreading the news of the pacification of Europe They all seem to be thrilled to hear about the news of Napoleon's death and seem to all be on the same page about Europe's future The primary action taking place in the cartoon is the hanging of the French leader Napoleon Bonaparte This shows a mockery of Napoleon era or leadership This ridicules his governance and makes him seem like he did nothing right This appears to be the central idea of the cartoon as Napoleon is closer and focused on the viewer In the background nevertheless a lot of action is going on among the six men

The six men appear to be marching around blowing horns and excited that the terror is eventually over The words of the cartoon explain the characters in the comic by stating the country of origin every man is from Without the Good News for Germany commentary made by the German man the observer of the cartoon would have a tough time deciphering who was who Imagery is used in this cartoon because by just looking at the pictures in the cartoon one can actually visualize what happened in reality The jubilation for the hanging of the Napoleon actually tells how bad he was The message of the cartoon shows viewers that the world rulers of the other countries in Europe did not support of the way Napoleon Bonaparte was governing his country France It also shows the reader how excited the other countries were when Napoleon s reign finally ceased Some special interests groups that might oppose with the way Napoleon is depicted in this cartoon would be people in that era that supported Napoleon every step of the way His supporters which were many might disagree with how Napoleon is portrayed in this cartoon Napoleon is presented as defenseless and as if the other countries have ganged up on him In conclusion from The Final Pacification of Europe Cartoon one can clearly say that Napoleon was an enemy to many and no one like how he ruled Each of the other major powers of Europe declares good news for their countries instead of mourning his death which means that Napoleon s fatal error was making enemies instead of allies Napoleon was the cause of the extensive violence in early 19th century Europe This is all clearly shown in the drawing which is very clear and elaborate REFERENCE The Final Pacification of Europe Cartoon Angelfire com N p n d Web 4 Mar 2013

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