Essay Example on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is an anxiety Disorder









Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is an anxiety disorder that is caused due to past experience of traumatic event that happen in an individuals life A traumatic event can be life threatening events such as military combat natural disasters terrorist incidents serious accidents or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs Not all people who are diagnosed with PTSD have life threatening traumatic events for example losing a loved one can cause someone to be diagnosed with PTSD People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder experience three symptoms they are also diagnosed to PTSD with these three symptoms Experiencing the trauma Avoidance of things that reminds them of the traum and a set of symptoms of feeling on guard irritable and easily startled PTSD is a very common disorder due to the high percentage of people experiencing a traumatic event throughout their lifetime An estimated 7 8 percent of Americans will experience PTSD at some point in their lives with women 10 4 twice as likely as men 5 to develop PTSD About 3 6 percent of U S adults aged 18 to 54 5 2 million people have PTSD during the course of a given year This represents a small portion of those who have experienced at least one traumatic even 60 7 of men and 51 2 of women reported at least one traumatic event Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs About 30 of men and women who spent time in a war zone experienced 

PTSD 20 to 25 percent have had partial PTSD at a point in their lives In order for psychologist to diagnose the disorder of PTSD patients must experience three symptoms re experiencing the trauma or flashbacks avoiding or numbing symptoms and arousal symptoms Symptoms must last at least a month in order for a patient to be diagnosed with PTSD by a psychologist June was a 48 year old women who s fathered murdered her mom in front of her and her brother at a young age The police took her dad away and they went to live with their grandparents When she moved into her grandparents house that s when she said the real trouble start At the age of 12 she was raped by her uncle who was a car mechanics He would wake her up at night drag her down into his makeshift mechanic garage and brutally rape her He did this hundreds of times This went on till she was eighteen when at last she fled this twisted travesty of a family never to return Tyrrell June now have flashbacks of being raped even with the spell of oil due to her uncle being a car mechanics and the garage have the smell of oil June said I dont drive or go anywhere near cars if i can avoid it After the the things that has happened to her since when she was at the age of 12 Now thirty years later she was working two jobs in a relationship she didn t feel was right for her running for two hours a day to get rid of the anxiety and waking up every few hours through the night often with a scream on her lips Tyrrell Symptoms like these that has happened to June can happen to anyone with PTSD People with PTSD will suffer from flashbacks avoidance and arousal just like June but in a way that relates to their trauma Having PTSD can be a major impact on your life if it isn t treated correctly PTSD can lead to things such as depression which can lead to suicide 

The effect of depression and suicide can be seen in Veterans soldiers about 20 veterans commit suicide each day which is a big issue in the nation This can also lead people to substance abuse for example drugs and medication are used to makes changes to brain circuitry and chemistry and these changes lead to compulsive drug using behaviors Individuals are unable to control how much and how frequently they use drugs and will experience negative emotional physical interpersonal social and behavioral consequences Another thing that PTSD can have have an impact on is an individual s relationship This being said people with PTSD tend to be having problem functioning and tend to be on guard and more violent depending on their past trauma For example if their past trauma was caused by military related they may be easily angered or easily frightened due to harsh and life threatening thing soldiers went through during service The psychological disorder is not genetic because in order for one to have PTSD they must have experienced something traumatic This psychological disorder is interesting to me because of how soldiers who returned from war kill themselves due to PTSD Also about a week before we start the project i watched a video on facebook about a veteran with PTSD burning his military uniform because of a women being on his property and was asked to leave but the man with PTSD said things that were harsh for the women She then took it to court and the man lost due to him harassing the women although she was clearly on his property

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