327A major problem in an approach to the literature on the doctrine of the separation of powers is that a few writers define exactly what they mean by it what its vital views are and how it relates to the other ideas For this reason generally one can find much confusion and confusion in discussions relating to its origin as the exact nature of the claims being made for one thinker or the other are not measured against any clear definition It is essential for the formation and maintenance of political liberty that the government be divided into three branches or departments the legislature the executive and the judiciary To each of these branches there is an equivalent identifiable function of government legislative executive or judicial Each branch of the government must be restricted to the exercise of its own function and not allowed to infringe upon the functions of the other branches Moreover the people who make these three agencies of government must be kept separate and distinct where no individual should be allowed to be at the same time a member of more than one branch In this way each of the branches will be a check to the others and no single group of people will be able to control the mechanism of the State