Essay Example on Pricing Techniques Used In Various Industries









Add on Pricing Techniques Used In Various Industries Pricing strategies are a mostly overlooked part of the marketing mix They do have a great impact on profit so are to be given similar consideration as promotion and advertising strategies A very high or lower price can really change both gross margins and sales quantity Different factors as well determine your optimal pricing strategy Considering the five forces which influence different business decisions your competitors your suppliers the availability of substitute products and your customers Price a premium item too low for example and customers will not believe the quality is good enough Also if an industry put a high selling price on value lines customers will obtain competitors lower price items How to Increase Sales Revenue by Reviewing Pricing Strategies If your product is price sensitive pay special interest on your pricing strategies Find out what your opposition is charging and lift or lower your costs primarily based on your aspiration Lowering your expenses can boom sales to make up for decrease margins Increasing the price of your product can generate a higher recognized cost in the minds of customers and also increase your margins Alongside raising the costs also can increase your revenues without increasing sales Certain Pricing Strategies 

To Be Considered Are Dynamic pricing This is the most popular pricing strategy used in Travel Hospitality Ecommerce and Retail industries The purpose of dynamic pricing known as demand pricing is mainly to create increment in revenue however it as well allows businesses to assign flexible prices for goods or services based on present market needs Dynamic pricing is as well used by on demand services like Uber Competitive pricing Use competitors retail prices as a benchmark for your prices Price quite below above or similar as your competitors based on your positioning strategies Cost based pricing The popular pricing strategy practiced within manufacturing is cost based pricing Instead of looking at the market look at your price structure Determine the profit you need to make and sum it to your costs to set the selling price Using this method will assure a certain per unit margin Value Based This approach bases costs on what level of value the target marketplaces on the product Then the organization can employ a price skimming strategy pricing at the top value price penetration pricing at the lowest value or somewhere in between It is also practiced where outside factors like recession or increased competition forces companies to provide value products and services to secure sales example quality meals at McDonalds and similar fast food restaurants  

Value price implies that you get great value for money Luxury Pricing These are a typical strategy which is utilized by manufacturers like Louis Vuitton Mercedes and Rolex The prize has a lot to do with the great aspirations alongside an image of the customer making the purchase Tiered Pricing This strategy gives customers a choice of selecting between different forms of the same commodity For instance assume a single gear motorcycle for 299 a three year bike for 399 and a seven gear motorbike for 499 It also gives a price anchor as a purchaser I can persuade myself I am being frugal through spending 299 on a single gear bike compared to 499 on the seven gear bike Price Trends Industries Use to Upsell Three main approaches to setting a price The Gift Economy With technology increasing so rapidly a gift economy also referred to often as a free love economy has emerged This is where an organization offers their main product as free and finds another solid revenue stream to gain profit from Search engines are a good example of this where the search function is free but the Google AdWords service and other advertisements and services are paid for The Freemium

This relates to the new pricing technique known as freemium A freemium is when an organization gives the basic level product to the consumer for free and then charges for the premium use of it This is very evident in free phone apps on smartphones where the basic app is free to download and use however the customer must pay to get the ad free version or open up all of the services for them to use The Bait and Hook A pricing technique where the main product is free or extremely discounted however then the customer must purchase an expensive associated product to utilize the main product An example of this is office printers where the printer is given for free and the customer has to purchase the paper and print ink from the printer s organization The decision of a firm on the cost of a commodity as well as the pricing strategy implemented has great effect on the customer's choice on if or not to buy the product

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