Essay Example on Problems that have arisen could be due to the differences in Personalities









Problems that have arisen could be due to the differences in personalities The chief executive has a more extraverted personality as he is keen on rapid expansion whereas the employees are more conscientiousness as they are more cautious and don t want to open new offices where there is risk Therefore what we have now is a clash between personalities Graham 2009 It is evident there is now conflict within in the workplace that needs to be addressed This is where another issues arises as the conflict is not being addressed which has resulted in strained relationships and furthermore the finance manager resigning There is a lot of staff turnover happening in the company which will have a detrimental effect on the company if no action is taken Moreover in order to overcome the issues there is a need to increase cohesion as it is evident communication has declined which has resulted in the team falling apart A meta analysis found that cohesion is significantly related to performance in a variety of teams r 2 48 Mullen Cooper 1994 Without cohesion there is a lack of communication which also means no progress being made to come up with a solution to the problems which is fairly obvious within this team 

There is a problem in the way the change was presented to the managers As rapid expansion would be a big change it needs to be presented to its employees in a steady manner where they can understand why the change is happening and be on board with the chief executives ideas Right now all managers have different goals and for this reason problems are arising From a Social Identity Perspective in order to manage conflict the teams should re categorise by creating and emphasising shared organisational goals and rewards Van Knippenberg 2002 This is important as the goals of the team are very unclear and by creating superordinate goals it will resolve many issues as teams will communicate more to obtain the shared goals as they will have a clear image of what is expected The theory of Management By Objectives Weihrich Mendleson 1978 states that employees are generally more committed to goals that they have helped to create therefore it is important the employees take part in implementing the goals with the chief executive Moreover to overcome these problems there should be strategies in place to stop the situation from getting worse For example the employee that is off sick because of stress there should be a stress policy in place where she can talk about it and overcome issues Furthermore there is a clear need for conflict management There needs to be communication problem solving and then negotiating to come to a common interest to avoid any conflict which is what is happening in this company Rahim 2002 Another issue is with the management style a more obliging or accommodating style is needed this is where two parties cannot agree which is causing the conflict for instance in this case between the leaders and the chief executive therefore if the chief executive used a more accommodating leadership style Blake and Mouton 1964 some of these issues can be overcome 

Currently the chief executive has a more dominating style this is where he is more concerned with his own interests than the teams For example he wants rapid expansion His style is assertive as he is being cooperative with his team's concerns who believe that the way the business is running is fine Rahim and Buntzman 1990 A case study that looked at the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction found a positive significant correlation between a dominating style and low job satisfaction Ali 2006 This provides further proof that the style is ineffective as it will make the team less satisfied and there will be more staff turnover which is what is already happening Therefore a change of leadership style is a priority Rahim and Buntzman 1990 In order to implement changes effectively the manager can use Lewin's change management model to manage change The team right now is in the unfreeze stage as they are not motivated by the change so there is a need for this The manager needs to promote effective communication and empower the team to embrace the new change Then the team will go into the refreeze stage where you return the organization to a sense of stability Lewin 1947 In conclusion the problems have arisen due to conflicting personalities different goals leadership style and also the way the change was being implemented This resulted in conflict which did require communication and a solution however it is evident communication was low as it resulted in the staff becoming stress and leaving the job and leaving To address these issues the Chief executive should demonstrate to its subordinated the ways in which change can actually improve the company and maybe the role of the employees too He she should hold regular staff meetings to provide overviews and provide status reports of changes and also provide his employees with data that support the change so they feel comfortable with taking the risk There is a need to emphasise the goals of the company and make sure everyone is striving to reach the same goals and is clear on what these goals are This will then give the employees a more insight of what the future holds and will make the more comfortable to go ahead with change

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