Essay Example on Professional currently undertaking studies at the PhD









Media Texts and Arts professional currently undertaking studies at the PhD academic level in Virginia Commonwealth University A key among my strengths includes effective communication etiquette proven leadership capabilities and teaching competencies My background experience blossomed from the passion of media art and texts and interdisciplinary I completed my undergraduate studies with an emphasis in Arabic Language and Literature followed by the completion of a Master's degree in Mass Communication from the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater My knowledge and understanding of media s impact on society and culture is well endowed and informed I have experience in teaching as I taught several courses in King Khalid University KKU as designer and instructor of the following courses Arabic Rhetoric Arabic Syntax Old Literary Criticism Modern Literary Criticism Also I worked as responsible for understanding diversified learning needs of students and aiding in development and implementation of projects designed to create positive results in individuals and groups 

After achieving the doctoral degree I will go back to KKU to be assistant professor in the department of media and communication Purpose The purpose of my e Portfolio is to document my academic professional growth and development in an organized coherent and selective record The e Portfolio represents the scope and depth of my goals plans and accomplishments in coursework independent study research and professional experience internships and other advanced learning activities It also provides both a vehicle for self reflection and a comprehensive account of a doctoral student s experiences and ongoing progress toward the academic and professional goals Resume My resume should provide a detailed statement of a job candidate s prior work experience education and accomplishments It will supply an employment objective a summary of skills knowledge and potential contributions a summary of professional and philanthropic volunteer work a list of certifications and mention of any additional relevant coursework I will attach it directly to my website Research Area During my graduate studies I wrote extensively on the topic of the impact of media on audience and influence on social and political trends progressions and transformations 

This required in depth and insightful research which was enhanced by my application of theories and methodologies which I garnered from the Master s track One of my papers regarding the impact of social media on the Arab Revaluation was well received and published affording me exposure that has further motivated me in my quest to understand and assess social media s global influence As a teaching assistant in the department of Media and Communication I have also had the opportunity to prepare myself for doctorate studies by way of being on the other side of intensive instruction I have had the chance to assist students with improving their own capacity for conducting thorough research which has enhanced my own practice This has also challenged me to employ latent faculties of mind and innovation which will serve me well as I pursue my doctorate degree VCU s doctorate degree program in Media Art and Text provides the ideal context and venue for my continued studies in this field It will provide an outstanding roster of faculty and staff from whom I will receive top tier tutelage guidance and support My research area goes through the perspective of media including and content in the Middle East and how the middle eastern media frame their view and seeing for what happens around the world specifically successive incidents in the Middle East Also I concern how to look at news from the perspective of the audience Why some audience like some news sources but also dislike the media in general How can people with opposing political views judge the same news story as biased in different directions Why do people believe that news stories will have negative effects on others By studying such questions my research will helps to explain why people are so often frustrated with news coverage Professional and Academic Projects 1 Sharing all my projects that I have done as TV correspondent and provide my reports that I have done about the most important political and cultural that happened in the United States the last three years Videos 2 Point to all subjects that I loaded on my channel in YouTube and the most of them discuss media issues such as how some Middle Eastern TV stations use Frame 

Theory how we have seen Uses and Gratification theory through social media users in Saudi Arabia 3 Providing all course work that I have taken with their syllabuses and final projects 4 Listing all conferences that I attended or participated in the field of media 5 Sharing idea and link of The Gulf Association for Media as I am the founder and president Photography Photography will be attractive representative and factor as all other parts are molten in academia and professionalism So photography will be a rest for my portfolio visitor I will share some memorial photos with family friends and colleagues through different ages I aim to incarnate my academic and professional life through photos Formulate specific plans Portfolio Frame and Shape 1 My portfolio design will be quiet and smooth I do not prefer to show more details on the first page and it will contain my personal picture and a short welcoming message and the main keys sections 2 I tend to use light colors to be the background for my portfolio and add little bright inscriptions on the head 3 My personal picture will be smiling to give a comfortable message for visitors with green background as sign for purity nature growth optimism constant renewal and vitality 4 In the left bottom of first page my social media links will be presented including Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat and Linkedin

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