Essay Example on Psychology is a topic that I was not very familiar With









Psychology is a topic that I was not very familiar with before I started the Child Psychology course as I had never studied it in school or college I studied child care before university however I was never introduced to the psychology side of children's learning The Child Psychology course has allowed me to learn about a variety of topics one being self identity and mental health During the course I learnt the difference between self concept and self esteem which before was something that I considered to be the same thing I learnt that self concept is a person's attempt to build a scheme that organises their impressions attitudes and feelings about themselves however is not permanent Whereas self esteem is an overall evaluation of who you are Woolfolk et al 2013 pg 119 Another subject I learnt from the Child Psychology course was all about constructivism which is an approach to teaching and learning based on the premise that cognition is the result of mental construction Gray and MacBlain 2012 pg 70 From this I also learnt about Vygotsky's view on constructivism I had previously learnt about the theorist Vygotsky however I had never studied the constructivism side of him 

Moral development is another subject that I have learnt about while studying this course I have learnt about how peer influences and pressure can lead to different types of behaviours I have also learnt about the theories of moral development including psychoanalytic theory cognitive developmental theory and social learning theory SLT Something that has also helped me while studying the Child Psychology course was the presentation we did at the beginning of the course The presentation allowed me to look at and understand children s lifestyle during the older times in my case the Victorian times as that is what our presentation focused on The presentation also allowed me to learn new communication and team working skills and encouraged me to share my ideas and opinions with others Although my group only focused on the Victorian times we were also able to learn about other times such as the Tudors and Medieval times from the other group s presentations From learning all of these individual topics I am able to use them in future essay s as I have learnt about new theorists and theories as well as new meanings of words such as self esteem and self concept Since starting university and starting the Child Psychology course I have learnt to use Harvard referencing correctly In college we did referencing however not to the Harvard standard

The feedback I got from my essay s have allowed me to understand what I needed to do in order to improve my referencing and do it right When I received the feedback from my essay stating that I needed to work on my referencing I used the Cite Them Right book by Pears and Shields 2013 to learn how to reference correctly and practiced a few times in order to learn how to do it the right way The feedback that I have gotten from my essay s have also helped me to improve my essay writing an example is that I was told to proofread my work as there were little errors with my sentence structure grammar and punctuation which prevented me from getting a higher mark I took this feedback on board and asked at least 2 other people to proofread my work as well as proof reading it myself a couple of times before submitting it Feedback from essay s is something that helps me a lot By knowing what I need to do in order to achieve a higher grade I am able to work on that and know where I am going wrong and improve on it 

A feedback that I got from my Child Psychology essay was adopt a more analytical approach by comparing and contrasting theorists more effectively Make your point then support with evidence one source then consider the strengths and limitations of this in correspondence with another source maybe a more current source I will use this feedback to in the future to look at more analytical approaches and look more into theorists A book we were advised to buy was The Study Skills by Cottrell 2013 this book really helped me to understand useful ways to study such as when given direct tasks I would look at this books and look at different ways that notes can be written which can be found on pages 171 175 These helped me because for example when I just write things down I seem to forget it quickly however the book showed me a more interesting way to make notes which is called pattern notes page 173 this way I can make notes and I will actually remember what I have written down because I was able to draw diagrams with it and make patterns

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