Essay Example on Public schools are failing specifically in our inner cities









Public schools are failing specifically in our inner cities Youth cannot get a good education and it s leading to more crime and less contributions to society Unfortunately the failing public schools adversely affect primarily minority citizens and students To help alleviate this a voucher system could be instituted to allow parents to use their tax dollars toward a different school or private education The voucher system would create competition improve students performance by allowing them to go to a better school and it would let parents considering or using private education to use their tax dollars as a credit toward tuition instead of paying twice for their child s education from taxes and tuition All the while greatly improving our inner cities and the education levels they achieve through competition created from students being able to go to other schools if they are not satisfied with their current education American inner cities are known to have some of the poorer traditional public school systems from elementary through high school The urban environment has made getting good teachers to their schools particularly hard Teachers struggle to maintain classroom peace in inner city schools and that makes instruction very difficult It also makes wanting that job as a teacher very difficult Who wants to work in a potentially hostile unfriendly environment every day As for students almost all the same applies Students in the public schools potentially also face a hostile unfriendly environment every day So parents and students need an alternative to the poor education that they are forced to use 

Many inner city parents cannot afford a private or catholic school so it makes perfect sense they would advocate for an alternative Ladd Vouchers could be the alternative that has a massive impact on inner city minority youths and their success Vouchers would help alleviate minorities poor access to education Those in favor of vouchers argue that they can improve students performances by getting them into a better school Often times a newer friendlier environment is all a child needs to succeed The fact that vouchers could allow children to learn with smarter peers only makes them smarter If a child is stuck in an inner city school with a bunch of kids that don t care about their school or own future what is he going to do Probably follow along with his peers down a path of not caring and statistically most likely criminal behavior Neal However if you get a child into a classroom environment that values learning and statistically does well year in and year out with graduation rates and test scores the sky is the limit Inner city youth have the chance to get with kids that care about learning and teachers that care about educating The other large argument for those in favor of vouchers for inner city youth is the large amount of competition they foster 

Whether its students or teachers every school wants the best of each so giving parents and children another educational option encourages the schools to perform at their best so more kids will attend If one private or traditional school in Philadelphia gets renowned for their success it will drive all the other schools to perform better with hopes of receiving the same attention Vouchers also break the monopolies that can be found in public schools It would force our public schools to step up and compete with the local private educators Inner city youth would reap the rewards of the voucher systems cities should create Milwaukee is a good example of a city that has implemented this and seen the program grow increasingly They have around 32 000 voucher students who are primarily low income households that have a failing public school system they live in Borsuk Many parents who would like to send their children to private schools or who already do also argue that they should not have to pay twice with taxes and tuition Why shouldn t they be able to take their tax money and put it toward the education of their choice If you choose private education why are you still paying for the public schools to continue failing you This can help many families with failing school systems around them to find a proper substitute for their child s education Clearly the voucher system could be an adequate way to reduce the differential access to education that minorities receive The competition it creates can help minorities gain a better education The money it can save families on tuition can give people more money to contribute to society Most importantly it allows students to get to a better school and perform better in a friendly environment With all that being said vouchers could be a great solution for minority access to quality education

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