Essay Example on Purpose This project is provide overall online Facility









INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose This project is provide overall online facility of customer user administrator and other management system The manager easily searches the reservation system remove and easily exit reservation on the hotel management system The management or admin be added revise the hotel and gives it s all information about the hotel In the online management and reservation system the customer can be easily find its own comfortable room and its satisfied on the room charges The manager gets requirements of the customer and provides its room information and receives the charges 1 2 Scope When we develop a project its provide some facility or activity The hotel management and reservation system are provide that activities By using this facility the user or any customer give online order with a friendly manner with both sides Some classes are used to control the activities of project and all the data of any customer 

The system is managed easily and the flexible of overall project with a secure environment Integrity and security are built in very strong because the unauthorized accessed are impossible Only registered person or user are use it This system has much memory to store customer data and its comments That can be easily access data and store Some feature are added to be generated different kinds of report 1 3 Definitions and Acronyms SDD Software design document DBMS Database management system RMOS Restaurant menu and ordering system PHP Personal home page DB Database SQL Structured query language UML Unified modeling language 1 4 Reference Material For Design www onlineresturent com 1 5 Overview The remaining sections of these documents provide general descriptions including characteristics of the users of this system the system hardware and the functional and data requirements of the system General description of the project is discussed in section 2 of this document These are show the system description 2 System Overview 2 1 Assumptions and dependencies Desktop computer Operating System Browser and internet connection is compulsory Suppose the customer enters the wrong information that the system provides the message of its wrong information The system must be save this report and generate the issue ORMOS support the platform like all windows of XP window 7 window 8 Window 10 does not support all the functionality of the proposed system that it will provided 2 2 General constraints Its provide high performance user friendly secure manner provide information and very fast 

This web portal are developed using PHP web programming language as a front end and My SQL database as a backend Front end designing and html coding are done using Dreamweaver 2 3 Design Language UML is a unified modeling language also a graphical language UML is used for to graphical representation of the project And also UML diagrams are used these are Entity Relationship diagram Data Flow Diagrams Class Diagrams Activity Diagrams Sequence Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams also used during development of Online restaurant menu and ordering system 2 4 Technologies Used Different technologies are used in online buying foods on hotel like HTML CSS PHP MY SQL are used HTML CSS is used to make the front end of the site and MY SQL database and PHP are used for back end My SQL database is used to save the records of customer products and orders when register a new customer on this site then system save his her record for later used when he she log in PHP is used for communication between customer and company 2 5 System Environment The system we develop that Run on any operating system 3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 3 1 Architectural Design Architecture design describe the following modules that the important parts of the system Manager The manager is an important personality of any restaurant company who handles all the administrative works Customer customer purchase the product that produce by restaurant Recipe This is the menu item list that the restaurant provides to its customers Order Order is the list of food items and the quantities that is or is to be requested from the customer 3 2Decomposition Define all the modules in detail 3 2 2 Web architecture 3 2 3 Block Diagram 3 2 5 Use Cases 3 3 1 Use case Manager Login 3 3 2 Use case Manager change Login password 3 3 3 Use case User Login 3 3 4 Use case Retrieve password 3 3 5 Use case 

User Registration 3 3 6 Use case Check menu list 3 3 7 Use case User Feedback 3 3 8 Use case Search by price 3 3 9 Use case Search by destination 3 3 10 Use case Search by specific dish 3 3 11 Use case Free text search 3 3 12 Use case History detail 3 3 13Use case Request for Order 3 3 14 Use case Request for cancels Order 3 3 15 Use case Table reservations for Events 3 3 1 Use case Manager Login Name Description Actors Administrator Pre condition Database file should be attached properly to system and Administrator form is open Post condition After login the administrator can perform many tasks and view the overall description about their site Goals Administrator can login to see the available different food items and details about the site Steps The manager provides the email id and password If manager enters correct id and password then he successfully login to the system and view the details 3 3 2 Use case Manager change Login password Name Description Actors Administrator Pre condition Database file should be attached properly to system and Administrator form is open Post condition After login the administrator can perform many tasks and view the overall description about their site Goals Administrator can login to see the available different food items and details about the site Steps The manager provides the email id and password If manager enters correct id and password then he successfully login to the system and view the details

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