Essay Example on Pursuing a Master's of Public and International Affairs MPIA at Virginia Tech Application








As the world becomes increasingly more connected and interdependent as a consequence of globalization a solid understanding of governance security and international politics is key for all professionals particularly those interested in working in international affairs As an individual who plans on pursuing a career in the complex global communications field I want to better understand global affairs and information and their implications for governance and security As a child growing up in a traditional conservative household in Utah I was fascinated by global affairs travel and culture I had the urge to explore and understand different ways of life when so many around me were scared and even threatened by the unknown My first experience abroad occurred when I participated in a summer language study program in Italy at the age of seventeen Studying Italian and living with a Sicilian host family solidified my intent to study international affairs in college At the University of Utah I majored in International Studies Economics and Mass Communication Completing these degree programs not only fostered my enthusiasm to pursue further education but was ideal preparation for graduate study in international affairs as a result of the theoretical and practical knowledge I acquired by taking classes such as political analysis cross cultural communication international economics and poverty and inequality Taking courses such as this encouraged me to approach international affairs from an interdisciplinary perspective whenever possible an approach I would like to continue in my graduate education While completing my undergraduate degrees I sought out opportunities to gain further knowledge of international issues by traveling and working in nearly twenty countries in Asia Africa and Central America As a freshman I lived with a Muslim polygamous host family while volunteering with a microfinance non governmental organization for three months in rural Uganda During my sophomore year I taught English for a semester in Tokyo Japan and volunteered in an orphanage in Ensenada Mexico Shortly after graduation

I traveled independently for five months in Southeast Asia Central America and India volunteering with several non governmental organizations along the way Most of these experiences abroad were challenging but all of them taught me something unique about the human experience Additionally while completing my undergraduate degrees I was selected as an Oxfam Change Leader received two writing scholarships and completed several journalism internships I wrote for several student publications including a cultural magazine and the daily newspaper I also volunteered on a political campaign and as an English tutor in the Salt Lake City area In performing those duties I demonstrated my willingness to contribute to both the student community and the social community Even though I learned a great deal at the University of Utah through activities classes and international experiences my mediocre undergraduate GPA is not reflective of my current capabilities or desire to excel I received low grades in some classes for various reasons including medical issues and a lack of focus and effort I have matured a great deal since receiving my undergraduate degrees and I've gained the determination and focus that I lacked I was admitted to Virginia Tech as a Commonwealth Campus student in spring 2017 and enrolled in Global Governance with Dr Patricia Nickel I learned a great deal in the course and received an A in the class Performing well in this class demonstrates that I possess the intellectual capabilities and work ethic necessary to succeed in graduate level courses Since graduating from the University of Utah I have gained a more practical understanding of international affairs and communication through holding internships and full time positions with a variety of private and public sector organizations

At present Im a government contractor supporting the U S Department of Homeland Security Specifically I work as a Communications Specialist with Customs and Border Protection The role has given me a fascinating insight into diverging opinions on immigration politics and national security While my diverse educational and professional background has provided me with insight into many different topics pursuing a Masters of Public and International Affairs MPIA at Virginia Tech would help me focus my interests and hone my knowledge of governance and globalization I believe the MPIA program is a unique opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a wide variety of professional roles within the spheres of international relations global communication and public policy I am particularly attracted to the fact that the program is interdisciplinary and allows students to study international affairs from the perspectives of many academic disciplines Even though my research interests are still evolving I'm interested in undertaking an in depth study into the themes of global communication food security migrant issues and African affairs four areas in which I developed an interest in during undergraduate study In addition to these subject areas inspiring a deep intellectual curiosity I am also interested in working within one of these fields in my future career While I am eager to work with all of the Virginia Tech faculty members if accepted into the program I am particularly interested in continuing to work with and learn from Patricia Nickels I had the privilege of taking Global Governance from Dr Nickels in Spring 2017 The class was centered around research class discussions and writing The format of the class helped me increase my confidence as a student writer and researcher I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead at your university and I thank you for the careful consideration of my application

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