Essay Example on Radix 4 Booth Multiplication To improve the Performance









Radix 4 Booth Multiplication To improve the performance of multiplication process encoding is used Booth encoder plays an important role in Booth's multiplier as it reduces the number of partial product stages Consider the multiplication of two N bit numbers multiplicand X and multiplier Y in two's complement form as N 2 X xN 12N 1 ai 2i 1 i 0 N 2 Y yN 12N 1 bi 2i 2 i In this structure each group is encoded and decoded by selecting by 1 2 or 0 instead of shifting and adding for every column of the multiplier term and multiplying to obtain the same result which is shown in table 2 1 Table 2 1 Function table of Booth Multiplier Radix 4 booth encoder performs the process of encoding the multiplicand based on multiplier bits Using overlapping technique 3 bits at a time is compared Grouping of the multiplier bit to obtain the encoding value starts from the LSB of the multiplier and the first block only uses two bits of the multiplier and assumes a zero for the third bit as shown in figure 2 2 111000110 Figure 2 2 3 bit pairing as per booth recoding The number of partial products can be reduced to n 2 if two n bits numbers are multiplied if n is even number or n 1 2 if n is an odd number by using modified radix 4 booth multiplier 

Thus the speed of the multiplier can be increased by a factor equal to 2 if the generation of partial product stages is reduced Final product equation is given in 3 as MxR ppN 1 x 22 N 1 ppN 2 x 22 N 2 pp1 x 22 pp0 x 20 3 Where ppN 1 M SN 1 ppN 2 M SN 2 pp1 M S1 pp0 M S0 ppk are called partial products The full radix 4 booth multiplier equation is given in 4 as MxR M SN 1 x 22 N 1 M SN 2 x 22 N 2 M S1 x2 M S0x 20 4 By using radix 4 encoding scheme to generate partial products each partial product will be shifted by 2 bits instead of 1 bit thus reducing the partial product stages 2 2 Radix 4 Booth Encoding Methods The circuit diagrams of the radix 4 Booth encoding methods 1 2 are provided in figure 4 4 and 4 5 By using MR4BE1 design the error obtained is smaller hence the approximate product value is smaller when compared with the actual product Figure 2 2 Modified Radix 4 Booth Encoding Methods 1 2 MR4BE1 The complexity and critical path delay of Booth encoding can be notably cut down by using MR4BE1 The approximate product obtained throughMR4BE2 Modified Radix 4 Booth Encoding Method 2 can be either larger or smaller than the exact product and errors in the partial product reduction process complements each partial product stages Therefore when compared with MR4BE1 encoding in Booth multiplier the error obtained by MR4BE1 may not be larger for a Booth multiplier The output of MR4BE1 is given in equation 5 as follows PPij ajb2i 1b2ib2i 1 ajb2i 1b2ib2i 1 ajb2i 1b2ib2i 1 ajb2i 1b2ib2i 1 b2i b2i 1 b2i 1 aj 5 The output of MR4BE2 is given in 6 as follows PPij ajb2i 1 ajb2i 1 PPij aj b2i 1 6 2 3 Sign Conversion In sign conversion by adding a negative bit Ni negative partial products are converted to 2's complement form To indicate whether the multiplication operation which is to be performed is signed or unsigned number signed_unsigned s_u bit is used

This is useful to perform operation using higher order bits Signed number operation takes place when s_u bit 1 and when s_u 0 it indicates unsigned operation which is shown in table 2 2 From this it is to be noted that when unsigned operation takes place for both multiplier and multiplication the sign extended bit must be extended to zero i e x16 x17 y16 y17 0 to avoid false product generation Similarly when signed multiplication operation takes place the sign bit depends on the nature of the bits used in multiplication multiplicand or multiplier is negative or both the operands are negative For signed bit s_u 1 x15 y16 y16 1 y16 x17 x16 0 Table 2 2 Sign conversion operation Signed_unsigned s_u Operation 0 Unsigned multiplication 1 Signed multiplication Figure 2 3 Logic diagram of sign converter Signed unsigned modified booth multiplication process is shown in figure 2 3 The partial products are generated by using the circuit in figure 2 2 All the partial products are generated in parallel x15x14 x2x1x0 y15y14 y2y1y0 P016P016 P002P001P000 X1 1P116P115 P114 P103P102P001N0 X2 P816P815 P803P802P801N X9 P31P30P29 P3P2P1P0 Figure 2 3 16 x16 multiplier for signed unsigned numbers 3 WALLACE TREE STRUCTURE Wallace tree structure is used to generate the partial products from the given multiplier and multiplicand bit Due to the use of Wallace tree structure the organisation and perfomance of booth multipliers is enhanced Thid section explains about the structure of Wallace tree multiplier from which the partial product generation is used in Modified Radix 4 Booth Multiplier structure 3 1 Wallace Tree Multiplier Like Booth multipliers Wallace Tree Multipliers are also used in high speed multiplication process Since it reduces the partial product stages by employing CSA Carry Save Adder structure it has better performance It can operate only on unsigned numbers since it does not use any encoding technique to encode the multiplier bit as applied in Booth Multiplier By using column compression technique numbers of partial product stages are reduced and the total delay is proportional to the logarithm of word length of multiplier bit The basic process of Wallace Tree Multiplier is shown in figure 3 1

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