Essay Example on Reflection is commonly known as experiential Learning









Introduction Reflection is commonly known as experiential learning Experiential learning has been looked at in great depth and models produced of the learning process by Argyris and Schön 1978 Kolb 1984 Boud Keough and Walker 1985 All models involve a form of reflection on experience A contrast between experiential learning and learning from experience Usher and Solomon 1999 cited in moon 2004 has been found The creation of learning by experience is when different challenges are completed daily Experiential learning will involve reflection and questions can be asked of yourself by saying what has gone well and saying what could be improved it is only when the learner actively engages in reflecting on the experience that the learning may be recognised and applied Anderson Boud and Cohen 1995 The aim of this paper is to consider the different ideas and theories that involve reflective practice This paper will also describe and discuss the practical issues associated with becoming a reflective sports coach What should coaches reflect on How might coaches reflect When is the most appropriate Time for reflection Chris Argyris and Donald Schön created the idea of single loop learning and double loop learning in 1978 

Their theory had been built around the recognition and correction of a fault or error Single loop learning relies on the current strategies created by a practitioner or organisation even if they have used correction after already making an error A change in objectives strategies or policies is known as double loop learning This is when a comparable situation happens and a new system is deployed Becoming a reflective coach practical issues for sports coaches to consider There are many ways in which coaches can reflect The main question is what to reflect on Sports coaches are generally good at observing and analysing those that they work with Coaches can identify and sort any errors to improve performance Self evaluation and the analysis of your own actions are the main functions regarding reflective practice Effective reflective practitioners should be able to turn their own observational and analytical skills and then identify and critiquing their own actions and behaviours Achieving this as a coach can potentially increase self awareness which can developing additional information ultimately leading to new methods Reflective practice is not just about reflecting on your own knowledge behaviours and skills The consideration of how and why coaches do things and how their coaching values can improve the way they coach is vitally important Reflective practice can be a challenging and rewarding skill the acceptance of being good reflective practitioner from the start is unrealistic and takes time Knowles 2001 produced evidence that suggested structured instructions over a period increases coaches reflective practice skills however no formal instructional programmes will allows for coaches to develop their own reflective practice skills Gibbs 1988 was a learning researcher using a well structured debriefing scheme to aid with reflection involved in Kolb's experiential learning cycle Gibbs went by a six cycled reflective model 

The six stages Included description what happened feelings what were your reactions and feelings evaluation what was good or about the experience analysis what sense can you make of the situation Conclusions what can be concluded about your own way of working and finally action plan what will you do differently for next time There are some problems that do occur with this theory Motivation and desire is a limit of what the 6 staged cycle can provide This could mean that they find it harder to gain an in depth analysis of their own experiences Gibbs s model may be more suitable and effective for those who already have knowledge and experience with reflective practice The timing of reflection is crucially important Most people would think that to reflect on experience you must wait until after completing it Schon 1983 had the idea that reflection could be taken both during and after an experience This was known as reflection in action and reflection on action Both theories have advantages and disadvantages An advantage of reflection in action is that it can force decision making that could influence the outcome of an experience which has an impact on practice Schon believed that this was a key factor by which professionals handle and resolve their struggles and concerns about their own practice In contrast a disadvantage is that reflection in action gives the practitioner a limited time to reflect on what they have done 

This could potentially lead to errors or misunderstanding of information Reflection in action is more suited to those who have reflective practitioner experience Reflection on action does allow a longer time of reflection with less stress for urgency of an outcome which offers a safer environment for reflective practice Although the outcomes are late meaning an event can t be influenced there is time for reflection on action to affect future decisions as time has been given for you to process and gather information Thoughts and feelings associated with an experience allow for a better judgement and evaluation of an occurrence This then increases the potential for improved performance The disadvantage of this would be leaving too long a period between an experience and the reflection time as your memory of that event would be less accurate Thoughts and feeling will decrease as time goes on too A mix of reflection in action and reflection on action isn t necessarily the best way to reflect Knowles 2001 has suggested that a dual staged reflection both immediate and delayed reflection may be the best and most effective approach to adopt If an immediate problem occurs then it can be solved whereas future learning can be obtained and developed after a time when an event as occurred

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