Essay Example on Reliable agents Authentication based Cloud Search Engine








1 Abstract In this project we proposed reliable agents authentication based cloud search engine In our proposed method the agent client requires service with specific functional and technical requirements For privacy concern we provide authentication for each agent in cloud by using Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECC By using authentication id agents discover the cloud service based on service engine Focused Selection Contract Net Protocol is performed to find the relevant cloud service and it plays multiple roles in cloud search engine The similarity between the agent s request and cloud service is computed based on service specifications and consumer service using Cloud ontology Each legitimate agent provides reliable cloud services for agent clients users Service capability Table records the list of cloud service and their corresponding ID and services for reliable cloud discovery 2 Introduction Cloud computing is a collection of interconnected virtual machines and it is a collection of networks and virtual systems Cloud computing defined by NIST such as cloud computing is a paper use model for enabling available convenient on demand network access to a shared collection of configurable computing resources Examples Networks servers storage application service that can be rapidly provisioned and release with minimal management effect or service provided interaction The characteristics of cloud computing are on demand service pay per use model elastic capacity self service interface resources are abstracted The roots of cloud computing are Hardware virtualization internet technologies distributed computing system management

Open virtualization format is providing some standards there are so many hypervisors where each one supports a different VM image format and the formats are incompatible with one another and creating interoperability issues in order to facilitate packing distribution of software to be run on Vm s Several vendors including Vware IBM CISCO MISROSOFT Dell HP have devised the open virtualization format OVF It aims at begin open secure portable efficient and extensible Service Capability Table records the service capability of the agents and state of the agents The states of the agents are changed dynamically when it interacted with other agents The state of the agent is addressed as available unreachable failed and busy Each Consumer Agent CA maintains the SCT of Broker Agent BA This is due to the request acceptance by broker agent from consumer agent then the BA subcontracts the service request to other BA Each broker agent maintains the SCT of other BA with its state and location and also maintains the SCT of Service Provider Agent Service agent provider maintains two SCTs such as SCT of other service provider agent and the SCT of resource agent under its administration In existing method Cloudle is designed for an agent based search engine for supporting cloud service discovery If an agent requested for cloud service to cloud service provider the similarity between the agent and service provider is compute using cloud ontology by using service specification and consumer service If the service is not available in the provider leads to loss of information In our proposed method we provide authentication for each agent in cloud by using Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECC

By using authentication id agents discover the cloud service based on service engine The relevant cloud service is finding by the multiple role performance of the Focused Selection Contract Net Protocol FSCNP The similarity between the agent's request and cloud service is computed based on service specifications and consumer service using Cloud ontology Service Capability Table is used for records the cloud service information such as list of cloud agents service provided by cloud agent and their corresponding ID Each legitimate agent provides reliable cloud services for agent clients users 3 Problem Definition In cloud service discovery an agent requested for cloud service to cloud service provider the similarity between the agent and service provider is compute using cloud ontology by using service specification and consumer service If the service is not available in the provider leads to loss of information It leads to lack of security in the cloud service system and take more time for discovering the cloud service 4 Methodologies 4 1 Authentication Authentication of each agent in the cloud service system is performed by Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography is based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite field and approach to public key cryptography ECC requires smaller keys than other encryption but provides equivalent security 4 2 Focused Selection Contract Net Protocol Focused Selection Contract Net Protocol is performed for satisfying consumer service requirements by selecting and subcontracting cloud resources FSCNP performed service selection by interacting with agents who provide relevant services to the requirement service by playing multiple roles such as contractor and manager 4 3 Service Capability Table Service Capability table in the cloud service system records the service capability of agents in the cloud system and states of cloud agents such as available unreachable failed and busy In agent based cloud computing the states of agents dynamically change when it is interact with other agents 4 4 Cloud Ontology Cloud Ontology is a database of cloud services which consist of set of concepts about services of agents Cloud ontology mainly used for determining the similarities between consumer s service requirements and provider s service specifications Service Discovery Agents consults the cloud ontology and collect the information about similarity reasoning compatibility reasoning and numerical reasoning

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