Essay Example on Report on Hew and Haw of NOKIA Prepared for Professor









Report on Hew and Haw of NOKIA Prepared for Professor J M Lannon Head of Company Company XYZ Prepared by Syeda Noor Safder Marketing Manager November 7 1997 Computer Department University of Engineering and Technology Taxila January 20 2018 November 7 1997 TO Professor J M Lannon Head FROM Syeda Noor Safder Marketing Manager Analyze Problems Suggest Solutions SUBJECT To Consult about haw and hew of Nokia and discuss Solutions As a market manager of this company I want to discuss some important issues of decline of Nokia what are the reasons behind the destruction of Nokia reputation When it started its journey towards decaying Why we Nokia need to be upgraded How it can be upgraded As you are a head of this company you will give me better suggestions about this and I will share my ideas with you so we can reach to a good solution If you remember many people have already tried to solve this problem they have done many researches but no proper solution was derived I wish at the end of our discussion we will be able to reach a solution by your cooperation 

As you are an intelligent and active person I hope you better help me to sort out this problem You are also an experienced person you can analyze this matter more carefully Thank you for giving me an opportunity for discussion I hope this discussion will be helpful CONTENTS I Abstraction 4 II Introduction 4 A Background III Detailed Section 5 A Glory Years of Nokia B Hardware Information C Downgrade of Nokia IV Conclusion 6 V Bibliography 6 I Abstraction This report is actually written to the head of Company XYZ Professor J M Lannon He has authority to sort out this problem The main purpose of this report is to analyze the problems which are responsible for decline of Nokia The 14 year lead in mobile industry is not a small thing but Nokia s lead downfall occurs due to some reasons The main reason was that CEO of Nokia make wrong deal with Windows Know we have to find out the solutions to grow up Nokia This can be done if we don't underestimate the modern requirements and heir good programmers to keep an eye on different software which lead Nokia to this position II Introduction A Background If we see history of Nokia initially it was name of a building which was established by Fredrick in 1865 Later on three people work on this project and finally in 1967 Nokia Corporation born The main task of this corporation is to produce paper cable etc With the passage of time it started producing PCs TVs and many other things In the year 1979 Nokia becomes a radio telephone company and it launched Mobile phone network Then Nokia gave born to phone named as Mobira 

So as time passes Nokia continued its progress in telecommunication field and produce NOKIA 9000 Then company produced NOKIA 8110 Nokia 6110 was the first mobile having snake game in it Pic Nokia 8810 was first phone with antenna Nokian 7650 was first mobile with camera Nokia become very famous in whole world III Detailed Section A Glory Years of Nokia As we see in introduction of Nokia we seen that Nokia seek progress in very less time It started its journey from a building and than become a way of communication among people Nokia get more than 50 of profit and become popular all over the world It was first mobile of communication and people were astonished by its features With the passage of time it added more features in its hardware to make it trustworthy B Hardware Information Here is picture of different components used in manufacturing of Nokia It has different components like RAM ROM RTC CPU CHARGING IC etc C Downgrade of Nokia As we discuss above that Nokia face downfall in 2004 but the major decline occurs in 2007 and after

There are many reasons behind Firstly Nokia only consider its hardware and ignore the need of software Secondly Nokia underestimated other companies like iPhone and Samsung It assumes that it will remain in same state in later years also but that was its major mistake The main reason was that CEO of Nokia make a wrong agreement with Windows It ignores the android and Samsung IV Conclusion In conclusion we can say that although Nokia is not in good position like before 2007 But we can make it possible to achieve a good position in market by overcoming its negative points We have to sort out reason which make Nokia priceless and less popular V Bibliography James Surowiecki 2013 Where Nokia Went Wrong Available at https www newyorker com business currency where nokia went wrong Sachin Sood 2013 Why Nokia failed what reasons you think led to its downfall Available at https www bayt com en specialties q 45515 why nokia failed Himanshu 2015 A brief look at Nokia s History Available at https www gsmarena com the_rise_dominance_and_epic_fall Santosh Das 2018 Hardware Information Available at http www mobilecellphonerepairing com parts of a mobile cell phone

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