Essay Example on Reporting on public policy really Matters









To begin with I would like to empathize that the articles cited in this assignment cover important topics related to public policy and social issues Reporting on public policy really matters as it helps to analyze actions of government which has the crucial influence on a society therefore on us Public Policy consists of political decisions for implementing programs to achieve societal goals Malone 2010 Guided by the acquired knowledge I will try to understand the essence of this quotation and identify on the basis of articles the aspects of the public policy their goals and characteristics Trump Slaps Sleep Tariffs on Foreign Washing Machines and Solar Products The policy discussed in this article is connected to the new step made by Mr Trump concerning the imports of foreign products to the United States especially washing machines and solar energy cells and panels The article says about the critique towards the president's protectionist policy which he tries to strengthen and develop Example Trans Pacific Partnership TTP abandoned in 2016 The goal of the policy is to protect manufacturers in the United States and to decrease the amount of cheap products from China and South Korea Arguments supporting the policy implementation come from the statements of different American Companies Two solar companies as Suniva Inc and SolarWorldAmericas appealed to the White House telling that cheap solar modules and cells are putting their companies under risk Arguments against the policy are this action will exacerbate trade tensions with other nations and it can rise up the prices for consumers 

The tariffs will help to level the playing field and show anyone who tries to cheat our trade laws that they won't get away with it Senator Sherrod Brown a Democrat from Ohio The evidence presented in the article is mostly quantitative and based on numerical data this issue became important after analyzing data from companies but at the same time it can be qualitative as well this law regarding the tariffs can be passed only after observing the situations It is measurable we can measure and analyze economic situation before and after passing the law to compare differences if the economy is still stable or not I think that presented evidence is positive and it can be proved or disproved we can look through the trade transformation of the United States get data analysis sources that support the evidence or no I think that article is quite persuasive for me because it shows two sides of the evidence and you can make conclusion and analyze it create your own opinion Regarding the policy it is hard to predict something but it will for sure influence economic system but maybe it will develop the domestic economy of the country or in contrary decrease its development

 Trump officials after rejecting Obama Medicare Model Adopt one like it The evidence discussed in the article is connected to the healthcare and the ways doctors and hospitals have to be paid under the model of Medicare It is similar to the Obama s policy which was using authority in the Affordable Care Act1 but difference is that new model will make a single bundled payment The goal of this policy is to save money for the government while improving care for Medicare patients and also lump sum payments will help doctors and hospitals to work together and with more high motivation It is a great model Quality is going up costs down Dr Patrick H Conway president of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Argument that supports this policy is that the new model of Medicare will improve the healthcare system and society will get the access to the improved treatments Unlike the Obama s administration participation in the new project is voluntary based The evidence described in the article is qualitative because it is based on document analysis which mostly contains texts about health conditions of patients and other related things But also it can be quantitative because the base of the analysis could be the numerical data as well such as statistical information about patients In this case evidence is positive because the policy has quite clear goal and objective explanation of why it has to be implemented Arguments presented here address the policy and clarify the reasons why this step was made by Donald Trump Article sounds persuasive for me because it clarifies this new policy regarding healthcare and payment method which allows me to develop my opinion Michigan Avenue to get first two downtown red light cameras Above mentioned article tells us about an announcement made by the administration of a Mayor Rahm Emanuel regarding the new cameras in Chicago along the Michigan Avenue For the beginning lights will only flash as a warning system but after 5th of February tickets will be issued for breaking the rules Some cameras were removed from six places last year depending on a study of Northwestern University Transportation Center2 The goal of this policy from the administration of Chicago is to improve intersection safety and decrease the number of injury crashes

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