Essay Example on Research aiming to understand how couples from Dissimilar









Bhugun 2017 carried out a research aiming to understand how couples from dissimilar cultural background manage their differences in educating their children Previous studies revealed that the number of intercultural couples has risen in Australia due to several factors including the increase of incomers Owen 2002 cited in Bhugun D 2017 Also differences in principles practices beliefs behaviours and language barriers only become a problem when these couples start having children Romano 2001 cited in Bhugun D 2017 According to Bradford Burns Vaughn and Barker 2007 cited in Bhugun D 2017 disagreements in parental ideals can affect children s psychological wellbeing Romano 2001 cited in Bhugun D 2017 proposed four solutions to overcome the challenges faced by intercultural parents He said that foreigner parents could conform to culture of the country where they live or both parents could make concessions on some of their beliefs and practices He added that the couple could either put their cultures aside and adopt one not theirs or keep vital aspects of both cultures and show mutual acceptance A qualitative and social constructionist approach was preferred for this study as it helps to obtain detailed illustrations of participants experiences 14 couples from various cultures and socioeconomic status all from South east Queensland took part to the investigation Participants were found via a renowned local radio station and newspaper an online publication a list of contacts from community workshop and via snowball method 

They were aged between 28 and 67 years being in civil partnership for 4 to 25 years with 1 to 4 children from 6months to 18years of age Participants were Anglo Australian African Asian Indian Arabic Muslim New Zealander and Pacific Islanders Couples had to meet some requirements to take part this study One partner was to be an Anglo Australian and the other from different ethnicity race and faith Conditions included being educated and fluent in English being heterosexual being married or living in the same house and bringing up a child under 23 years Also interviews were to be made in presence of both partners Fourteen semi structured in depth interviews were carried out Participants decided of where and when interviews took place With their approval these were audio taped and between 1 and 1hour 30 minutes long However to obtain validation the research proposal was sent to the University of Queensland and Southern Cross University Human Research Ethics Committee before information were gathered Methodological rigor and trustworthiness were assessed with the following guiding principles credibility transferability dependability and confirmability Results disclosed the areas of disagreements between intercultural couples and how they handle those They reveal that emigrant parents disapprove of parenting style in Australia and prefer the authoritarian style In addition they were reluctant in letting their babies sleep in a different room Breastfeeding and herbal medicine also caused conflict an incomer was against bottle feeding and another wanted his child to be washed in some traditional herbs as it is done in his home town Australian parents valued trusting their children them to behave well when in social situations and some incomers emphasized on the importance of avoiding fornication Communication was one of the most common problem faced by intercultural couples both on the aspects of language differences and in interactions with children

Other points of great frictions were in attributing children s home duties based on genders and defining the relation to keep with extended family Intercultural couples highlighted the benefits of having the extended family around However it was also pointed out that these relatives could encourage children s misbehaviour Participants wanted to enjoy their experience as parents and therefore found ways to minimise dissensions They found discussing all issues away from children to be helpful in solving all problems and suggested that couples discuss their preferences and differences before engagement Making concessions and entrusting partners with what they do best Furthermore respect flexibility tolerance and immersion were described as determining factors of the outcome of intercultural relationships and parenting However renouncing to own culture was sometimes the best option because of the partner s authority This investigation draws attention to that couples face the same difficulties whether from same culture or not but dissimilitude in origins intensifies intercultural couples challenges Talking and making decisions with the child's best interest in mind was identified as the main way of coping with challenges In the end Bhugun 2017 states that the sample size does not allow results to be considered as universal yet the study is transferrable and would be beneficial to counsellors therapists and researchers He said that self image and social environment were factors with negative effects on intercultural parents Despite the problems faced intercultural families delighted in the positive aspects of both cultures References Bhugun D 2017 Intercultural parenting in australia Managing cultural differences 

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