Essay Example on Research into our data management Process









In my research into our data management process followed in our organisation I discovered that there exist a well defined Enterprise Architecture Framework EAF drawn on the basis of ANSI IEEE 1471 2000 standard Considering my case study on the Electronic Health Record Systems used at the hospital I will be concentrating on System Architecture and Technology architecture part of EAF This covers the following associated activities in the Data Architecture Management data management function in DMBOK 4 Define and maintain the data technology architecture P 5 Define and maintain the data integration architecture P and 6 Define and maintain the DW BI architecture P Architecture Analysis The broad overview of the architecture and technologies that make up the Electronic Health Record Systems and the core functionality that allows the solutions to operate can be viewed in the following contexts The Health Record System Architecture The hardware and software technologies that support Health Record System System Architecture The system architecture appears to be a message driven client server model and has been grouped into the following tiers End User Tier The front end client Clinical Solutions Midtier Application and presentation servers Host Tier Services plus the relational databases used to store both system and user data Connecting each tier is a messaging architecture using a combination of industry standard middleware technologies and networking protocols for communication 

Also connecting each tier are security tools and auditing mechanisms used to manage users protect patient data and audit user transactions Technologies Architecture The building blocks that make up Cerner Millennium can be grouped into the following three general technology types Hosting Technologies This comprises the servers and server operating systems that provide the hardware and software capability to support Cerner Millennium Layered Technologies Layered technologies such as IBMWebSphere MQ allow these servers to exchange data to and from the front end components of Cerner Millennium solutions Think of these technologies as the languages and methods that the databases servers and front end components use to communicate with each other Mid tier Technologies Mid tier technologies such as IBMWebSphere Application Server WAS and Oracle reside between the database servers and the applications that comprise EHRS solutions Another example of a mid tier technology is Solution Presentation Server the thin client server application that allows EHRS to be hosted from either from the local server domains or from the 

Data Center Cerner Millennium can be hosted on the IBM RS6000 platform running AIX the HP Integrity platform running HP UX or Red Hat Enterprise Linux These front end client systems and servers facilitate communication between and the back end servers that either hold the databases that store patient data or store or transmit system data used by EHRS Database Model The database resides on hard drives accessed by the back end node and is managed by an Oracle Relational Database Management System RDBMS external to the nodes in a storage area network SAN Using relational database increases the efficiency and decreases in processing time as the information is stored once and related many times in many different tables within the database End users interact with the database indirectly through the front end applications Project team members and support personnel interact with the database directly through the command line tool Visual Developer and Structured Query Language SQL The database stores three types of data Reference Relatively static information built to support the EHRS applications like code sets and code values locations organizations orderable and event codes This information is built once and referred to many times Activity Dynamic patient specific information Examples of activity data include orders and results for a specific patient This information is unique to the activities around that patient 

Meta Information about the database itself such as table and column structures schema and sizes RDBMS and the System Architecture Data Integration Architecture Each application domain Live and Test has its own database End users use the front end applications to connect to the middleware application servers to connect indirectly to the database Each database has minimal direct users usually just DBAs project team members and support personnel and direct access to the database is only through the command line tools and SQL Plus Data Model The Data Model or schema represents the tables in the database and how they are related to one another It is an Entity Relationship Diagram stored in a common printable PDF format that displays the product table relationships It consists thousands of tables that make up the data model To make the data model more manageable it is further divided into smaller pieces representing each solution Each solution within the EHRS refers to its own data model These solution data models make up the pieces of the whole model relational data model Data is stored only once in tables that are connected or related to each other All information is categorized and then stored on tables per category Tables are related to each other through a series of primary keys and foreign key in a table

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