







RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research method and procedures which will be utilizing in this study It also includes the sources data gathering tools and procedure followed in analyzing the data collection to clarify quantify correlate and analyze the data regarding the Crisis of Cancer Lived experiences of family members with cancer in Rinconada Research Method This study used the Qualitative Research Design As defined it focuses to use and gain an understanding of underlying reasons opinions and the complexity of humans within the context of their lives This involves the collection of information as it expressed by the respondents as they deal with a certain phenomenon This method focuses on the subjective information and never attempt to predict the phenomenon of interest According to Government Design Service Manual 2016 Qualitative research is exploratory research and tries to get under the surface The aim is to gather insights into how people live what they do or what they need in their everyday In addition to this the qualitative research approach was significant in this study As Forman 2008 wrote Qualitative research methods which use open ended techniques such as unstructured interviews to collect data and nonstatistical techniques to analyze it provide detailed diverse insights of individuals useful quotes that bring a realism to applied research and information about how different health care settings operate 

For this reasons this method will help the researchers in answering relevant questions efficiently The phenomenological approach by Creswell will be utilizing in this study Phenomological study method is one of the six types of a qualitative method according to Cacanindin 2010 It is propose to understand the response of the participants to a given situation Phenomenological research is base on the intuitive analysis of another person s experiences The fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive at a description of the nature or a particular phenomenon Creswell 2013 Typically interviews are conducted with a group of individuals who have first hand knowledge of an situation or experience Data are gathered from a very small number of individual Moreover with these the researchers will be able to obtain comprehensive descriptions These descriptions will provide the basis for a reflective structural analysis to portray the essences of the experience From the original data that is comprised of naïve descriptions obtained through open ended questions and dialogue the researcher will describe the structure of the experience based on reflection and interpretation of the research participant s story to look into the meaning of the experience Data Gathering Tools

In order to get the necessary data that answers the questions establish for this undertaking the researcher use two research instruments 1 Interview guide employing unstructured format and 2 mechanical recording Unstructured Interview is an interview in which there is no specific set of predetermined questions although the interviewer usually has certain topics in mind that they wish to cover during the interview Unstructured interviews flow like an everyday conversation and tend to be more informal and open ended The responses of the primary key informants in the statement of the problem dealing their present health care management to their relative with cancer Their lived experiences from the time that they have learned about their relative s situation until the presents condition and the family s difficulties and problems while dealing with a relative with cancer will be using unstructured interview to obtain much detail Mechanical Recording such as field notes and tape recorder will be use to document needed contextual information from the key informant Field notes will be used when observing a culture setting or social situation field notes are created by the researcher to remember and record the behaviors activities events and other features of the setting being observed Johnson 2008 The tape recorded interviews will be transcribed verbatim into written forms taking particular attention not only on the actual words by the key informants but also to the vocalizations such as sighs tone of voice and pauses at times as observed by the interviewer 

This will help the researchers to do more accurate and less error outcome Key Informants In choosing key informants of this study the researchers selected one key informant for each family who fits with the following criteria 1 Must be a family member at least 18 years old and above who experience dealing with a relative diagnosed with cancer 2 Provides direct care to the cancer patient The researchers was able to identify and locate potential key informants by the help of their relatives and friends who knows a cancer patient Before the interview the researchers will thoroughly explain the data gathering procedure and their rights as key informants of the study The key informants will sign all informed consent willingly Data gathering procedure Before the interview the key informant must sign first the informed consent and a copy of the informed consent will be given to them

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