Essay Example on Scenario analysis is a tool to see how fit your business or Industry









The scenario chosen is number 3 i e Technology of fears however it can also be connected to number 2 Exponential expansion as number 3 is a consequence of number 2 but this will be explained in depth subsequently As explained in the slides of week 5 scenario analysis is a tool to see how fit your business or industry is to create awareness of the future business environment it is used to validate the robustness of business models and roadmaps This fit of a business model with a future business environment can be determined or the robustness of a business model with regard to a collection of future environments It can be said that the scenario chosen can be considered as megatrend because it occupies a societal level more specifically on a global scale and concerns openness and transparency The Internet of Things is connecting more devices every day and we are headed for a world that will have approximately 24 billion IoT devices by 2020 The latter carries numerous advantages such as the fact of having a smart house the fully accessible connectivity between objects such as cars with smart city infrastructures but foremost it will change the way people perform their daily routines as a consequence this will surely change society in a global manner Here is the first connection previously mentioned between scenario 2 and 3 as it is in relation to the human behavior 

The disadvantages however are mainly focused on privacy security and transparency of personal data as an increased connectivity opens many doors to cyber criminality The main issue with IoT and privacy is the colossal amount of information and data that IoT devices can generate A Federal Trade Commission report entitled Internet of Things Privacy Security in a Connected World found that fewer than 10 000 households can generate 150 million discrete data points every day This undoubtedly makes the data vulnerable and creates an easy access for hackers New IoT devices such as tracking devices or even drones have been firstly created with the intent of deeply entering into the market as to fasten the earning of profits and therefore those devices were not intended to include privacy and security features Securing IoT devices not only includes protecting the devices themselves but also that companies must add security measurements into their software and networks that are linked to those devices All the issues mentioned might constrain customer s confidence in purchasing those IoT devices which can result in a short term life for this kind of technology however the main question to be asked is whether the security of data will have much importance in the years to come and whether identity protection systems will have a strong impact or rather they will be just too expensive Since Edward Snowden's NSA revelations government surveillance has moved from the realm of paranoia to the realm of facts Many are the countries all over the world that have expanded their security systems to spy on their citizens which is considered as the most sensitive issue that comes with the digital age 

Everyone has a different opinion for instance some might sustain that a person has the primordial right to privacy and that the government must not interfere no matter the position one believes in it is more than sure that surveillance will surely not stop on the contrary it will expand Years ago the idea of unlimitedly sharing all sorts of personal data was still considered as absurd Today it is basically a part of our lives As Google gives access to nearly all other platforms and pages such as Facebook or Twitter we unconsciuosly provide companies with numerous information on a daily basis by also simply by accepting without reading the user agreements The main trend if it can be called as so is the concept of sacrificing privacy for convenience An example could be searching for something on DuckDuckGo which is a private search engine but will not provide any personalized results at all on the other hand Google searches provide the company with personal data but also provide us with more convenient results 28 of the world's population uses Facebook and most of the people with an Internet connection spend a big amount of time jumping from one platform to another it is not unreal to predict that social networks will be even stronger in the future Internet access will surely most likely to be available for more and more people thus a great part of the population will be connected to social media Services like

 Facebook will become an even more inseparable part of life and the privacy implications that are attached to them will become even more prevalent It is predictable that the increasing of IoT devices will grow and will not only revolutionize the way humans interact but it will be the key to convenience and efficiency Because of the fast advancement in technology security must be regularly checked up and regulated therefore it is primordial to find more efficient ways to secure the IoT A connected world means that every action is logged somewhere and that privacy is a luxury afforded by very few Privacy in this digital age has to be redefined not as a concept more as an action since this era has brought along layers of complexity that as digital citizens we must understand In nowadays society we are intrinsically connected through the Internet of Things which does not simplify the understanding of the concept of privacy there is a need of deeper understanding of how to make sure privacy rights are maintained and respected

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