Essay Example on Sexual health and sexually Transmitted Diseases








According to the World Health Organisation WHO 2000 Service provision refers to the way inputs such as money staff equipment and drugs are combined to allow the delivery of health interventions Health service provision is the most visible and familiar product of the healthcare system As previously stated Middlesbrough has an issue with sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases there have been services in place since 2011 to help address this issue The first point of contact of healthcare for most people is usually their general practitioner GP or accident and emergency A E this is determined as primary healthcare The aim of primary care is to provide an accessible course of healthcare to all patients no matter the query Primary care however treats the patient rather than the specifics of the medical problem meaning that a GP is dealing with more generic diseases than specialising in particular areas resulting in referrals to secondary care professionals University of Bristol 2017 Sexual health services in Middlesbrough are free of charge and are open access a patient can self refer and chose to use a service at the location of their choice The service Sexual Health Teesside is a community based facility which offers both appointments and walk in clinics to provide patient centered care Department of Health 2013 This particular service includes the previously hospital based Genio Urinary Medicine GUM clinic and the community based contraception and family planning service CASH the service is predominately commissioned from local authorities and provided by VirginCare

The service in Teesside offers a range of full sexual health and contraceptive facilities this includes screening for chlamydia human immunodeficiency virus HIV testing STI treatment and testing it also offers contraception long acting contraception LARC screening for cervical cancer smear and sterilization and vasectomy psychosexual counselling is also available to patients Schools colleges and other educational settings are also available to provide education regarding sexual health services to young people and high risk groups such as homeless people Public Health England 2014 Some groups of people are not able to attend regular GP appointments or clinics therefore work from the outreach team is essential to all people who are unable to have access to regular sexual health clinics The outreach team provides information and advice on various topics such as contraception STIs emergency hormonal contraception condoms and chlamydia testing Tees Valley Public Health Shared Service 2014 Middlesbrough offers many services within the sexual health clinics such as HIV and STI testing Chlamydia testing and the C card The service is free with open access In the Middlesbrough clinic they work with Teesside Positive Action to offer rapid HIV testing and several satellite clinics Public Health England 2014 When a patient needs further treatment that is either not available from a GP or requires specialist treatment then they are referred to a secondary care specialist Secondary care is defined as medical care that is specialized by a medical professional following a referral from a primary care physician as the medical problem requires more specialized knowledge skill and equipment than available from a primary care practitioner Webster M 2017 

Sexual health diseases such as HIV and AIDS are treated and supported at the infectious diseases department in the James Cook hospital Community based combined sexual health services have replaced some of the GUM and STI services that were provided through secondary care services Department of Health 2013 If the patient needs further specialized treatment a referral to a specialist medical professional can be made This is referred to as tertiary care and requires professionals such as surgeons or professional which specialize health problems such as cancer or neurological diseases to carry out investigations and give the best treatment for the patient NICE 2017 Middlesbrough Sexual health currently has one service hub located in North Ormesby Health Village there are others around the Teesside area The service hubs offer longer opening hours 9am to 8pm to allow those with other commitments to still be able to have access to the services All hubs offer a full range of contraceptives and GUM clinic services which are operated by medical and nursing professionals Sexual Health Teesside is working with twenty general practices in Middlesbrough to provide sexual health services such as chlamydia testing C card and general sexual health screening

As well as the general practices thirty seven community pharmacies are also providing emergency sexual health services such as emergency contraception the morning after pill and chlamydia testing NICE 2014 The access to the services in central and East Middlesbrough is very good however in the South the access does not meet the needs of the individuals who need to have access to sexual health services Young people and vulnerable groups who need access to sexual health groups often struggle as there are limited provisions within schools colleges and settings that would reach the vulnerable this means that provisions for these services are going to need more attention in the future to provide education and prevent the increase of sexually transmitted diseases Public Health England 2015

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