314Since humanity drew its first picture or spoke its first words interpersonal communication has been an important part of daily life Interpersonal communication is embedded in everything we do as humans from the first time you cried as a baby to every time you speak to your Soldiers In my opinion interpersonal communications are one of the essential skills for being a great leader In this essay I will be exploring what interpersonal communications are why interpersonal communications are important and how interpersonal communications can pertain to Army leadership In order to understand why interpersonal communications are important and how they pertain to Army leadership you first must have an understanding of what interpersonal communications are Interpersonal communication is defined by SelfGrowth com as the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people There are two ways in which you can communicate you can communicate verbally or nonverbally Verbal communication is using spoken words or sounds to communicate with the audience whereas non verbal communication is body language which is defined by Merriam Webster as the gestures movements and mannerisms by which a person or animal communicates with others Within verbal communication there is encoding decoding and feedback Encoding is the effort the speaker makes to ensure the listener understands the message
Closed loop communication can ensure that a soldier has retained information instead of waiting for feedback from all Soldiers you are bringing the information to them if they do not understand you will find out and be able to rectify the situation by re encoding the information in another way that may be more suitable for the Soldiers understanding Remember when I said that in my profession ensuring proper communication skills saves lives This to be especially true as an Army leader how can a leader ensure he does not lose a life when they leave room for ambiguity even in the smallest of tasks There is not a way to ensure that every soldier understood and retained the information you have given to them without ensuring proper communication In essence there is no way an Army leader can lead and ensure his her Soldiers are following the orders without properly communicating with the Soldiers and verifying understanding of each soldier Communication is the most necessary leadership skill Without communication there is no way a leader can lead they cannot teach they cannot develop nor can they give orders or tasks to their subordinates Throughout this essay I have informed you on what interpersonal communication is why communication is important and how communication is a pivotal part of Army leadership To recap interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people this is important because it can save lives or reduce injuries and it can mean the difference in being an E 5 and a sergeant for Army leadership Do you want to be an E 5 or would you rather be a sergeant