346So Turin is really a very much student oriented city where university is an essential element of social and historical context Figure 6 Hall of the Rectorate Palace image by Gianmaria Ajani Forms of Third Mission activities carried out by the University of Torino Patent Management Business Incubator and Technology Transfer process University archives and museums Botanical Garden Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Museum of Criminal Anthropology Cesare Lombroso Museum of Fruit Francesco Garnier Valletti Museum of Geology and Paleontology Museum of Human Anatomy L Rolando Museum of Mineralogy Museum of Odontology Museum of Physics Museum of Piedmont s Agriculture Museum of Veterinary Sciences Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy University Historical Archive Open access Public Engagement activities including for instance the Researchers Night and a great deal of projects implemented by the University departments https en unito it From the standpoint of recent trends in the implementation of the third mission it is particularly interesting to look at new campus of the University of Turin Luigi Einaudi Campus completed by Foster Partners in 2013 Figure
Third mission activities such as social and cultural events exhibitions and seminars are easily realizes on first two floors Campus is blended into the landscape of the urban environment by the principle of contrast Thus it carries the idea of the future thats living among rich historical context Physicality of third mission open public ground floors urban and culture connections communication café bars plazas parks conference connectivity pedestrian and private transport balanced mix of uses diversification Forth example of third mission campus environment is The Pontifical Catholic University of Chile It is one of Chile's oldest universities and one of the most recognized educational institutions in Latin America University was established in 1888 It has four campuses in Santiago and one campus in Villarrica It is an example of urban multi campus type university It enrolls more than 50 thousand students Figure 10 Casa Centrale of PUC image by Andrés Perry UC aims to be an important player in Chile s development educating people that can make a difference and generating knowledge to promote progress and to solve problems that Chileans face With this objective in mind several mechanisms and means have been established to create collaboration between the University and the country The University is implementing the practice of social initiatives Any member of the University community could offer his her project The list of third mission project requirements the initiative must respond directly to the problems needs interests and real problems in the community University or in Chilean society